Futile Attempt

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Caramel Arrow came early in the morning again, as much as Affogato disliked it. After icing the ankle and resting for a while, he insisted on getting up and talking with the king. She insisted not to, but she eventually gave in to Affogato's stubbornness. "Fine, but make sure you don't overdo it."

"How many times must I tell you I am not a fool? Stop reminding me over and over like I'm a dumb dog." He huffed, picking up his staff.

Caramel Arrow sighed. She didn't say anything else as they left.

Cold, cold, cold. Another snowstorm. Affogato huffed angrily, noticing an open window in the citadel halls. "Close that."

"Yes, sir." She obeyed quietly. After a brief pause, she asked, "Why are you insistent on seeing the king? I could have spoken to him for you."

"Because I want him to hear my word, not yours." His brows furrowed. "Stop asking questions, now. This is none of your business."

Caramel Arrow looked towards the wall sourly. He was not budging at all for her. The two walked quickly through the walls, quicker than what was comfortable for Affogato's ankle. Dark Cacao was in the throne room, giving the morning orders to each cookie. Dark Cacao's brow rose when the pair entered. A few cookies bat an eye at them.

Dark Cacao was almost done with morning orders. He sent out the last few cookies before finally returning his eyes to the two. "Caramel Arrow, Affogato. What are you doing here? Your ankle is not healed yet."

"My Lord, I am sorry for the intrusion, but I must request you to allow me to return to duties. I cannot sit idly in my quarters any longer."

Dark Cacao narrowed his eyes. "No, you must heal. It would be beneficial for all."

"But- But Your Majesty! My duties don't require much, if any, physical labor at all! I can do it with my injury just fine."

Caramel Arrow felt very awkward. Dark Cacao glared down at her, which instilled nervousness in her. "Caramel Arrow Cookie, wait here. I will talk to Affogato Cookie alone for a moment." He stood up. He motioned for Affogato to follow, to which the advisor grumbled quietly.

He escorted him into a separate, quiet room. "Affogato Cookie." He stopped and faced him, arms crossed. Affogato bowed his head. "While your duties may not require your physical prowess, I will not let you work on your duties."

"But why, Your Majesty? What is the point in doing that?"

He hummed, his glare becoming thinner. "I know you just want to get away from Caramel Arrow Cookie." Affogato looked to the side in annoyance. He was right. Half right, at least. "I will not let that happen. You will get along with her by the end of this."

"Dh.." Affogato didn't know what to say. All he could think about was self pity for his situation. All of this because he tripped on some fucking stairs.

Dark Cacao let out a quiet huff, walking past his right hand. "Be open minded, Affogato Cookie. That is my advice to you." He left the room. Caramel Arrow had her arms folded in front of her. She looked up when he returned. "Thank you for your patience."

Affogato slowly sauntered out of the room, clearly unhappy. She wondered what he had said to Affogato.

"You will return to watching over him." He looked at the advisor. "Make sure he doesn't injure himself further." He looked at Affogato as he walked away. “And you better go back to your quarters to rest! The first few days are important.”

"Yes, Your Majesty." Caramel Arrow said.

Affogato didn't look at either of them as he stumbled past the two, leaving as soon as he could.

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