Two Stars

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Three more days passed. Now it was Christmas Eve. A serene air took place in the citadel that made it feel warm and lively. The lights seemed brighter than usual, and the large Christmas tree in the center of the outdoor area of the citadel shined brightly. There were two large stars at the top of the tree. Seeing those two stars made Caramel Arrow feel good. It was never officially said that it was to honor her father, The Second Watcher, but it felt like it was a tribute. Whenever Affogato was out with her, and she saw the tree, she would smile and tell him. “He really was loved.” He was glad that he suggested putting up two stars. It made her happy.

There were presents around the base of the Christmas tree. Usually, everyone would place their gifts to their friends, peers, or loved ones under there and they’d celebrate gift giving together around the tree. But Affogato didn’t want his present to get buried under a huge pile of rubble. Night settled, and cookies were beginning to gather around the large tree. Affogato watched from a window inside, using his staff as support. He easily spotted Caramel Arrow out there. It made him smile. She was enjoying herself out there, and that’s what mattered. He looked up to the top of the tree again. Two stars in honor of her father.

A large group of soldiers were huddled in a circle, watching a pocket watch tick as one of them held it. She wished that her fellow watchers could be here to celebrate, although that privilege was held until tomorrow, Christmas day. Right now they had a wall to watch, which made her feel a little guilty being, really, the only watcher celebrating with everyone else. It had been a long time since she had celebrated at this time of hour, though. It was exciting.

Once the pocket watch struck twelve, the whole group of soldiers shouted out in cheer. “AYYYY, MERRY CHRISTMAS!” They all shouted in unison, shouting into the midnight air, their arms reaching up to the sky. Then, they all skirmished.

Cookies were all moving about fast, circling around the tree to look for any presents they got. Naturally, being the First Watcher, she got a good amount of presents from her fellow comrades. Mostly small things with sweet, thoughtful letters to her about condolences, appreciating her, and appreciating what her father had done for the kingdom. It all made her heart warm. She wasn’t able to get too many things for her comrades this year, as she was less occupied with thinking about it, but she hoped they all enjoyed the presents she gave them. “Caramel Arrow!” A voice shouted through the crowd.

With a smile, she turned and saw Crunchy Chip. “Hey.. hey!” He slowed his jog to a stop in front of her. “Did you open my present yet, Caramel Arrow?”

“Yours?” She laughed. “No, not yet.”

“Oh, c’mon! Open it already! I opened yours.”

She started looking through the few presents she had left for his. “What did you think of it?”

“It was great! You know I love these types of things.” He held up the tooth pendant and wiggled it through the air, a few beads and teeth clacking together. “I can’t believe you defeated five of those monstrous things! I’ll definitely make sure to keep this someplace special. Such strength needs to be shown off!”

She laughed at his excitement. The teeth were snow lion’s teeth. It was actually a long term project of hers, defeating multiple snow lions and taking their teeth to make a necklace for him. She finally got to finish it this year. “Now, let’s see what you got for me.” She picked up his wrapped up gift. It was a simple cube-shaped box wrapped up the old fashioned way so she would have to tear the wrapping paper apart. He liked opening his presents that way, so, naturally, he would want her to do the same. So she tore away the wrapping paper to open up the box. He watched with a smile, awaiting her reaction.

She pulled open the top, and inside were two items. A small bag filled with berries, and a camera. She made a flattered sound, picking up the two items with both of her hands. She couldn't help but smile. She looked at her friend. "Wow, Crunchy Chip. These are really nice gifts." She started by opening the bag of berries. Berries that she had never seen before.

"I'm glad you like them, Caramel Arrow." He smiled. "I found a bush of berries around the borders once and tried some." He let out a weakened sigh, thinking about the taste of them. "My god, they were so good. I had to get some for you to try."

She popped one of the berries in her mouth. The sweetness hit her instantly. It wasn't overly sweet, the sugary taste felt natural. There was a bit of water inside as well, making it taste very satisfying. "Oh my gosh. This is really good." She couldn't believe how good they tasted.

"See? I had to get some for you. And," he pointed at the camera. "I got that new camera for you when you told me about wanting to take pictures for memories. Thought it'd make a good present, y'know?" He felt a little bad about the gift now. He'd bought the present before his death.

She smiled at him. "That's sweet of you, Crunchy Chip." She said softly. "Thank you."

"Thanks for your gift too, Caramel Arrow." Naturally, his arms separated as an offer. She took it, embracing him in a hug. “Merry Christmas, Caramel Arrow.”

“Merry Christmas.” They separated. She looked down at the camera in her other hand. Looking at it reminded her of her father. Then, she looked at the tree, looking all the way up to the top, where the two stars were.

Crunchy Chip chuckled beside her. “Good looking stars, huh?”

“Yeah.” She smiled dearly at it. She was happy they were honoring his memory.

He looked at her. “You know,” He started casually. “The King told me that Affogato was the one who suggested to do that.”

Her smile disappeared and her head snapped towards him. “To do what?” She asked quickly.

“To hang up the two stars on the tree.” He laughed softly. He put a hand on her shoulder. “You’re right. He has changed, at least for you. He’s proven me so wrong, it’s crazy.” He looked towards the citadel. “It’s hard to imagine him the way he acts for you.” He looked back at her. “Just thought I’d let you know if you didn’t know that already.”

Suddenly looking at the stars gave Caramel Arrow her own stars. Her vision blurred a little. Affogato hadn’t told her that. “He.. He did?”

Crunchy Chip nodded with a hum. There was a big smile on his face. It was nice to know he was looking out for her. “He cares.” A small smirk came on his face, watching Caramel Arrow’s eyes shine in wonder. “Maybe you should pay him a visit. I’m sure he has a gift for you, too.”

Caramel Arrow broke from her wondrous state and looked at Crunchy Chip with an awkward laugh. It almost sounded sad and disappointed. “No, he doesn’t. There isn’t a present of mine with his name under it.” Her smile slowly disappeared. “Besides, he doesn’t seem like the type to buy a present.”

Crunchy Chip shrugged. “Yeah, but do you think he’s also the type to participate in this event? Hah!” He shook his head. “It’s worth a shot.”

She looked at him, her smile slowly returning. She chuckled herself, putting a hand on her head. “Y’know, you are right.” She admitted, setting down the presents he had given her to the box they came from. She looked around at the other cookies, all socializing, celebrating, opening presents.. “Would anyone notice if I’m gone?” She said aloud.

“Bah, don’t worry about it, Caramel Arrow! It’s Christmas morning! Do what you want tonight.” He motioned his hand towards the citadel. “Go see him. You can come back after.” He urged.

She looked at him. He nodded knowingly. She broke into a smile. “Thank you, Crunchy Chip.”

He nodded, patting her once on the shoulder. Then, he walked away to socialize with the other soldiers and workers.

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now