Romantic Night

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“Ah- Caramel Arrow..!” Affogato stumbled behind her as she dragged him by his arm. She was smiling, bringing him out of the stuffy, messy, congested cafeteria. Night was falling upon the Dark Cacao Kingdom, the moon shining bright, showing out. A full moon. The air was cold, as was expected of the night of the frozen, snowy ice-land of the Dark Cacao Kingdom. Affogato was, fortunately, only tipsy. He only liked drinking two cups of coffee maximum at a time, so he was still mostly functional, even if a little wobbly or less coordinated. He’d even started real dialogues with Crunchy Chip and a few others, which she was proud of him for. As they made headway away from the cafeteria, she slowed down, allowing him to cease his stumbling. He walked beside her, her hand still holding onto him. When he spoke, though, her hand started gently drifting to his hand and intertwining. “What are you doing, Caramel Arrow?”

She looked at him as she kept walking forward, leading him somewhere. “I wanted to spend some time alone with you.”

Affogato snickered. “You could have just asked, Caramel Arrow.”

Her head tilted back forward, eyes looking towards the ground. “Yeah, but..” She couldn’t contain herself from smiling. “I was just really excited.”

“Ah, surely some time alone can’t be that exciting. We spend time alone all the time now.”

Her hand rubbed against his. “But this is gonna be special.” She told him in a persuasive tone.

A smirk came about his face, and he put his other hand on hers. “How so, Caramel Arrow?”

She looked at him with an endearing smile, an excited and happy one. “Remember when I told you I was hoping to dance with you tonight?”

Affogato was briefly stunned by this, and looked away to shake his head. Then, he chuckled. “That’s what you dragged me out into the freezing cold for? Just to dance?” He said with a slick smile.

“Well, yeah. That way, we don’t have to worry about others noticing us and.. it can be more.. y’know.”

He stifled a laugh, one of his hands dropping from hers. “Romantic?”

“Yeah.” She quietly admitted, her eyes looking up at the sky, glimmering.

He lets out a breath through his nose, and briefly grips her hand to have her stop walking. So they do. He looks into her eyes with a large smile. After a moment of just staring, Affogato chuckles, breaking eye contact. “You know my leg is still injured, don’t you? Besides, I’m not much of a dancer, anyway.”

“That’s okay.” She insisted, putting both of her hands on his. “We can do a slow dance.” She suggested.

Affogato laughed loudly. “You know, for such a powerful warrior, I didn’t know you could be so cheesy, my First Watcher.”

She let out a flattered noise. “Well, you know..” She looked away dreamily. “I want our first day being together-together to be as romantic as possible, you know? Make it as magical as possible.” Her head leaned towards him a little.

He shook his head once to adjust his hair so that his eyes were as uncovered as possible. “Ah, Caramel Arrow..” He smiled. She was so adorable. “Well,” He looked at their connected hands. “Lead me to the dance floor, and we shall dance.”

She gave him a quick hug, happy about his acceptance. She led him to the training grounds. She knew nobody else would be there this late at night on Christmas. It made for a perfect, open area for them to do a little dance. It wouldn’t be much, but.. It would mean a lot. To them both. They stepped towards the middle of the shooting range. When they finally stopped, Affogato asked, “Do you even know how to dance, Caramel Arrow?” He laughed a little nervously. “I’ve never danced my whole life.”

She smiled at him. “C’mon, you know that’s not true. Everyone has danced at some point, together or alone.”

He sighed. “Perhaps I was too young to remember.”

“Well,” Caramel Arrow rubbed the back of her neck, looking away. “To be honest, I haven’t danced in a long time, too.” She looked at him again. “But I’m really excited to try it again with you.”

He hummed, amused. “Then we will both be awkward and uncoordinated.”

She smiled wide. “Yeah. But that’s okay.”

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now