I Volunteer!

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She quickly made her way to the throne room, where Dark Cacao was, waiting for Affogato's presence. His brows raised at Caramel Arrow as she approached. "First Watcher Caramel Arrow," he started. "Is there something you need?"

"I apologize for the sudden appearance, Your Majesty." She bowed politely. "I've come to report that Lord Affogato Cookie sprained an ankle."

"What?" His eyes widened. "Sprained an ankle? What happened, Caramel Arrow?"

"He fell on the castle staircase leading up to the wall's floors."

Dark Cacao grumbled in annoyance. Now he was down his advisor and the Second Watcher had still not reported to him. He stood up. "I understand. How long is he expected to miss?"

"The doctor said four to six weeks, your majesty."

A low, tired sigh escaped him. "Very well. Caramel Arrow, please stay with Affogato while I go to the Second Watcher for a report." He stepped past her, then glanced at her one more time. "Remember to treat him nicely."

"I will, Your Majesty."


It had been a day later, the sun hitting a high point in the sky, signaling noon. Caramel Arrow had her hands behind her back, standing to the left of the king. The king's court were finishing with their daily decisions regarding requests from villages, soldiers, and proposed battle strategies against the Licorice Sea. "And finally.. the last topic of discussion is of my advisor, Affogato Cookie. Last night he sprained an ankle walking up a stairwell, and cannot attend the court or fulfill his daily duties. I have spoken with Affogato Cookie and he requested to not have a replacement. Now, that said, I want a brave volunteer to help Affogato Cookie in his time of need. You will do menial tasks for him, anything he asks of you. Are there any volunteers?"

Silence ensued, followed by hushed murmuring. Dark Cacao hummed lowly. Caramel Arrow looked up at the king. He eyed her back for a second before looking forward again. Caramel Arrow raised one of her arms. "I volunteer, Your Majesty." The court cookies raised some brows and more murmuring ensued.

A small smile came onto Dark Cacao's face. "Well," he looked out to the court. "If there are no objections, First Watcher Caramel Arrow Cookie will take care of him." Silence. "Very well. You are tasked with that job, First Watcher." Dark Cacao looked over at where the Second Watcher stood. "You have more responsibility to take on. Do not disappoint me again, Second Watcher."

"I will not, Your Majesty. I promise."

Dark Cacao nodded, satisfied. "Good. You are all dismissed."

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