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The robes Affogato wore were surprisingly comfortable. Caramel Arrow hadn't needed to wear them to figure that out. During their trip she got a nice introduction to them. They felt much more comfortable than her watcher uniform, which made her feel a little jealous. He didn’t really deserve such comfort. Mental sigh. Calm down and be kind.. They also had a very dreamy aroma to them, which was a little distracting. Aside from that, though, the trip was underwhelming.

She had picked up Affogato's staff and brought it to the room that the doctors held him in. Affogato's whole right leg was showing and lifted up. Much to his chagrin. "Leave it next to the door and go." He grumbled aloud to her when she entered.

She obeyed his first request, but decided to stick around. She hadn't any other duties to fulfill today anyway. She was off for the day. Her one free day of the week. She turned to the doctor. "What happened to him, doctor?"

With a defeated sigh, Affogato's head lay, staring face up. "He's got a very bad sprained ankle." The doctor frowned. "Grade two. It's a bit frightening, but fortunately it wasn't a grade three tear."

"How long will it be sprained for?"

"Four to six weeks. He will need to stay in the infirmary overnight for immediate treatment, then he will need a good amount of rest. He will also have to go through a rehab procedure." The doctor looked at Affogato, who had a depressed and upset expression on his face. "Does the king know of his injury?"

Caramel Arrow shook her head. "No, I am going to have to report this to him. Do you think he'll be able to perform his duties like this?"

The doctor hummed in thought, still looking at Affogato's raised leg. "Probably. Although not right away, for certain. He needs a lot of time for the ankle to repair itself enough to where he can walk safely."

She nodded with a sigh. "Thank you, doctor."

The doctor nodded. "I will get a nurse to come treat you, Advisor." The doctor looked back at Caramel Arrow. "You may stay if you like, but don't forget to go to the king."

"Yes, sir." She nodded. The doctor left the two alone. Affogato's hands were folded on his stomach, and his head tilted to his left, facing away from her. An awkward silence hung over them. She quietly walked next to his bed. "It'll be okay."

"I don't need your pity." Affogato grumbled quietly.

She let out a breath through her nose. "I'll go tell the king. Recover soon, Affogato." With that, she left him alone with his thoughts.

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now