I'm Still Here

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There was a sound. A noise. Caramel Arrow felt so still. The world was clouded with darkness. And she felt so cold. So, so, so cold. She shivered. It felt like something was blanketed around her, covering her cold body. Even so, she still felt cold. Her arm felt weak. Her leg, even weaker. She let out a weak whimper. A noise sounded after. “Ah..”

“There! She-! She said something!” Affogato pointed, wide eyed. It took everything in him not to grab her shoulders and shake her. He wanted to so badly. Crunchy Chip held his breath. Had she really made a noise? He was half convinced he made up the sound in his mind. But Affogato had heard it, too, so maybe it was real. Dark Cacao watched with a bit more hope and wider eyes.

Caramel Arrow could feel really, really humid air around her mouth. “Ungh..” She felt tired. She was conscious, though. At least, conscious enough to realize how her body felt. Slowly, she opened her eyes. At first, everything seemed blurry. A ceiling light tile shined down on her, and a rubber outline was painted at the bottom of her vision.

The three men stood silent, all watching her wake. Affogato felt a wave of relief pass through him. "Oh my goodness." He said, feeling exhausted.

"Caramel Arrow..!" Crunchy Chip watched, a smile starting to appear on his face.

Her name? Someone said.. her name? She was.. someplace. She could hardly remember what happened. All she remembered was fighting that snow lion. She remembered how scared she was, how she thought she was going to die. Her eyes shimmered.

She wasn't.. dead..

Using all the power she could, her head tilted up just enough to see the three faces of Dark Cacao, Crunchy Chip, and Affogato. She stared at them for a second, feeling aghast, then let her head fall back down.

Crunchy Chip laughed excitedly, relieved. "She's alive!" He hugged the king. Dark Cacao let out a sigh of relief.

Affogato kept his eyes glued to her face. Her beautiful, gorgeous face. Her eyes looked sad, heartbroken, almost. Her mouth parted in a frown. Her eyes closed. She let out a shaky breath under her mask. She whimpered, which turned into a sob. Affogato wanted to reach out for her. Then, she started crying.

Crunchy Chip turned away from Dark Cacao, hearing her soft crying. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked quietly.

Caramel Arrow felt so emotional. She wasn't dead. She was here, home, with the three people she cared about the most. She was alive. So cold, so tired, so weak, but alive. She felt so exhausted emotionally. So many tears the past few weeks. So much grief and emotion. So much hardship. She couldn't help but let her tears flow, even if it hurt a little. The tears ran down the side of her cheeks and down the sides of her eyes. She had been so scared. She thought she was going to die. She was almost convinced of it. But.. she was here.

Dark Cacao looked at her with a sad expression. He looked down at Affogato and Crunchy Chip. "I'm sorry that I can't stay longer, but I must abide by my duties and make a report to the cookies of the citadel of the situation. Since you two are both off duty, I leave it up to you to make sure she's happy." He put a hand on both of their shoulders with a small smile. "We all love her here, don't we?"

Crunchy Chip smiled enthusiastically, feeling inspired. "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Affogato didn't say anything, but he agreed. More than anything. He loved her with all his heart. More than anyone else, he swore it. Dark Cacao left them. Immediately, Affogato was by Caramel Arrow’s left side, digging under the warm covers to find her hand and hold it with both of his. Crunchy Chip went to her right side. When he grabbed her hand it felt cold.

Caramel Arrow could feel warm hands grab a hold of her wrist and hand, covering her whole hand and palm. It felt so good. She opened her eyes and looked weakly to her left to see Affogato’s face, worried and supportive of her. He was there for her. She sniffled and whimpered at him.

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now