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Well, somehow Affogato got roped into heading to the cafeteria for dinner. Unsurprisingly, it was packed full of other cookies. All the warriors, watchers, priests, etc. were gathered to socialize, eat their hearts out, and get wasted. Affogato didn't like the atmosphere, but Caramel Arrow wanted him to come, so he did. It was a bit of a foolish decision, but he was here now. Probably no way of escaping it, either. The only saving grace of being here was the food and Caramel Arrow. He prayed that he wouldn't wreck his ankle more somehow.

He sauntered behind Caramel Arrow, carefully weaving through the crowded room. “Disgusting.” He murmured to himself, looking down on a table filled with drunk cookies. He could hear Caramel Arrow let out a small laugh. As she stopped, so did he. He brought his attention back to the front, noticing Crunchy Chip sitting at a table talking with other warriors. Loud and proud like he always is.

“Caramel Arrow!” He shouted excitedly, cheeks flushed red. “Took you long enough to get here.”

Caramel Arrow smiled, quickly springing her way to the other side of the table to stand behind him. “Sorry, it took me a little while to convince Affogato to come here.”

Crunchy Chip stood up from his seat and looked past Caramel Arrow at the advisor, much to his annoyance. “Oh, wowwww. You managed to- hah, convince this,” He poked Affogato’s shoulder with two of his fingers. “Guy to come to a.. a party?” He laughed loudly, smacking the back of Caramel Arrow’s shoulders. “He really is crazy for you!”

Caramel Arrow laughed with him, no grimace from the pound on her back. Affogato frowned. “And I can see that you’ve already chugged a few bottles of beer.” She smirked at him, hands on her hips.

“Yup! Guilty as charged.” He cleared his throat. He held up a hand in the air, like he was holding a bottle. “Somebody challenged me to a chugging contest.” He winked, lowering his arm. “You know I had to show ‘em up.”

She laughed. “You never change, Crunchy Chip.”

He leaned his back against her shoulder casually. He made a noise of satisfaction as he stretched his shoulders and cracked his knuckles. “I’m just enjoying the party life tonight. It’s not often, y’know?”

Affogato rolled his eyes in disgust. “Ugh, Dionysian cookies..” He muttered under his breath. Crunchy Chip’s arm slithered around him. “AH!” Affogato immediately repulsed back, but Crunchy Chip kept him close.

“Hey, dude, glad you could come. The fact that you even considered showing up is something, but actually showing up? Hah!” He separated from the advisor. “C’mon, go get something to eat.” He said to both of them. “Don’t forget a drink.” He winked at Caramel Arrow.

Caramel Arrow chuckled. “You know I don’t drink. Besides, someone has to make sure that you don’t do something stupid.”

Crunchy Chip blinked, then made an offended scoff. “Stupid? CA, I’m 100% sure I won’t do something stupid.”

She laughed with a smirk. “Crunchy Chip, I love you, but you can’t make bright decisions when sober, so how do you expect me to trust you when you’re drunk?”

He crossed his arms and looked away defiantly. Then, he looked back to Affogato. “What about you, man. Do you drink?”

“Coffee. Don’t even try to make me drink something else in this wretched place.” He replied coldly. “I do not wish to participate in your foolishness.” He noticed Caramel Arrow’s smile falter a little.

Crunchy Chip shrugged. “Eh, whatever.” He looked back at his friend. “Grab some food and sit here, CA.”

She nodded with a smile. “Sure. Give us one second.” She grabbed Affogato’s forearm.

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now