Remember This Moment

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The Second Watcher hummed a watching tune to himself, shuffling some old pictures in his designated room. Another day was starting to set in the Dark Cacao Kingdom. His watch was going to start in an hour, but for now.. He had some free time. He looked through the miscellaneous photos, noticing one of his past wife, one of him with his past wife, a family photo, and multiple photos of the top watchers over the years. He had grown so different over the years, it made him laugh. He noticed the photo that Caramel Arrow first appeared in. Back then, she was just the Fourth Watcher, while he was still the First. The next year she ended up surpassing him. “Hah!” He laughed to himself. Good memories. He noticed one with her and Crunchy Chip. They both had their arms around each other’s shoulders, both making silly faces with their tongues out. They were bright, positive young warriors. The kingdom was in good hands with them.

He startled when his door opened. “Ah!” He almost dropped a framed photo. Caramel Arrow showed herself.

“Oh!” A realization hit her. “I apologize, dad, I forgot to knock on the door. Excuse me, please.”

He chuckled, setting the photo down. “Ah, don’t worry about it, sweetheart. You seem pretty excited. Something happen today?” He asked with an almost teasing sounding tone.

“Yeah, Crunchy Chip returned to the citadel for the holidays! I had an amazing time catching up with him. The emotions must’ve clouded my mind, hahah.” She rubbed the back of her neck.

“Ah, what a coincidence!” The Second Watcher slid back over to the photo he set down. “I was looking through old photos and saw this one.”

He handed her the photo of her and Crunchy Chip. She chuckled. “You still have that photo?”

“Of course!” He exclaimed, surprised. “I have to keep all these memories, otherwise what’s the point?” He picked up another photo. “You know, I thought Crunchy Chip was going to be your future husband for the longest time.” He said through his teeth in a teasing manner.

She scoffed. “Dad!”

He threw his hands up, laughing. “Hey, it was a reasonable assumption! But, look, it never happened, so I was wrong.”

Caramel Arrow pouted. “I can’t believe you’d think that, dad.”

He giggled. “That’s not the only photo, though. I have so many old ones of you, your mother, your brother, Crunchy Chip, King Dark Cacao, your uncle. Ah, so many memories.” He smiled fondly. “You should start taking some photos of your own, before it’s too late, you know.”

Caramel Arrow hummed. Her duties with being First Watcher never gave her the opportunity to think about something like that. Make her own memories.. She hummed in thought. "Hey, dad?"

"Yes, honey?"

"I don't have my own camera, but, if you don't mind, could I borrow one of yours? I have a photo in mind that I want to take."

The Second Watcher smiled. "Oh, of course! What are you gonna take a picture of?"

A smile came to her face. She wanted to take a picture to mark the beginning of a blossomed friendship.

Affogato let out a breath. He turned the page. It was quiet. His ankle was raised, and ice was over it. It was a bit uncomfortable to sit this way, but not unbearable.

A set of footsteps started walking by his room, which he thought nothing of until his door was knocked. He raised a brow. "Who is it?" He called.

"It's me, Caramel Arrow Cookie."

Affogato was a bit bewildered by her sudden appearance. "I did tell you I could handle icing my leg without you, correct?"

She stifled a laugh. "It's not about that. I wanted to do something else, really quick."

Affogato shifted in his bed and set his book by his nightstand. "Very well. Allow yourself in."

Caramel Arrow immediately opened the door. She was smiling, probably still euphoric from her meeting with Crunchy Chip. With her, she carried a.. camera? "Sorry for the sudden appearance."

"It's fine, just.. what is it that you need?" He eyed the camera.

She knelt by his bedside. She chuckled. Without answering his question, she put an arm around his shoulder, making sure their faces were close together, held the camera up and snapped a photo.

Affogato's expression was an unprepared one, his face clearly visible in the photo. She was smiling. To her, it was a perfect memory that she hoped to keep for a long time.

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now