Spar Like a Dance

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Crunchy Chip was stretching when the pair reached him. He was warming up for the fight ahead. “Oh, there you are.” He said, avoiding eye contact with Affogato. “Took you long enough. Are you ready?” He started separating from her.

She laughed confidently. “I’m ready to beat your ass!”

Crunchy Chip smiled wide. “That’s what I like to hear!” He started doing a light run towards the sparring area. He turned and backpedaled to his spot. Caramel Arrow walked to her spot in the arena. Affogato silently slithered to the side and watched. “Fist to fist, lady!” He tossed his gauntlet down. His wolf picked it up in its mouth and sat outside of the arena.

Caramel Arrow nodded, although didn’t toss her twin blades. She couldn’t risk somehow losing them. She got into a ready stance, as did he. “Affogato, count us down!” She shouted.

Affogato, unready for this situation, hesitated. Then, he counted down. “Three, two, one, go.” He remarked unenthusiastically.

Crunchy Chip and Caramel Arrow both advanced, unafraid. Crunchy Chip would throw a punch first, at her head. Caramel Arrow avoided. She threw a punch towards his collarbone. He parried it with his other hand. They traded a few missed punches, then Caramel Arrow caught one of his punches, then gripped onto it. She grunted as she yanked on his arm, throwing him away from her. Crunchy Chip avoided tripping. They both exchanged a glance. Yeah, it’d been too long since their last fight.

Affogato watched with intent as they traded blows. Eventually, kicking had been thrown in, too. He noticed Caramel Arrow was much more fluid with her motions, cleanly following one blow with another to create pressure, as well as avoid being punished for any whiffed attacks. Crunchy Chip was very good at catching her attacks, he had very quick reactions. He also made sure that, when there was an opportunity, he’d strike back with force. When Crunchy Chip was on the offensive, Caramel Arrow would disengage a lot. Crunchy Chip had managed to land the first blow, resulting in a strained “Ooh-!” from Caramel Arrow. They fought almost like a routine. Crunchy Chip’s wolf howled in excitement, Affogato briefly looking down at it.

Crunchy Chip laughed in between his blows. Caramel Arrow couldn’t hold herself from chuckling when she heard that. She jumped back to create some space between them. Then he started laughing uncontrollably. She laughed with him. “What’s so funny?” They briefly paused.

“Haha, hahahah! I’ve never felt so alive!” He pumped a fist in the air. “C’mon, I’m ready!” With a big smile, he jumped back into the fray with a kick. She jumped above his kick and extended her own legs, her boots hitting his face. He grunted, but his smile remained. He took a step back. Caramel Arrow wasn’t gonna let him breathe. He knew that, too, so he put his arms up in an x to block her attacks. She repeatedly punched at his shield, hoping to crack through, and, at the very least, weaken his energy. Crunchy Chip was giggling all the way through the onslaught.

Their giddiness made Affogato raise a brow. Certainly strange, especially coming from two professional warriors. Crunchy Chip’s wolf pet’s tail was wagging, and it barked in excitement. Caramel Arrow threw a kick downwards, hitting the top of Crunchy Chip's head. He grunted from the pain, closing one eye. Surprisingly, he maintained a smile. Affogato had never seen something so strange. Then again, he never wasted his time watching the kingdom’s warriors spar.

Crunchy Chip snickered, then did a low sweep, which caught Caramel Arrow. She fell to the floor, but with quick thinking, she rolled backwards, her legs kicking up violently. Crunchy Chip grunted, blocking her attack, and while she recovered from the roll kick, he rammed his shoulder into her. She let out a small gasp, then she caught herself, holding onto him and pushing back against him. They both struggled for a step forward. Caramel Arrow then let go, spinning to her right. Crunchy Chip slid to a stop, leaving a snowy track. They faced each other again with wide smiles. “You feeling it yet?” Crunchy Chip taunted.

“I feel how hard I’m beating you up!” They returned to brawling, both trading blows once again. Affogato had never seen such intimacy in a battle before. It was very strange. Snowflakes were starting to drop, very lightly and slowly.

Crunchy Chip and Caramel Arrow locked hands, both pushing. They both strained, looking each other in the eyes confidently. A few more seconds passed of this, then Crunchy Chip let go, marking the end of their battle. He laughed. She did the same. “That’s my sister!” He exclaimed with pride.

“Still as strong as ever, my brother!”

Affogato was confused. They had stopped fighting. Neither had come out on top, and they were standing right next to one another. “What are you doing?” He blurted. “A winner hasn’t been decided yet!”

Crunchy Chip and Caramel Arrow looked over at him. His wolf bound over to the pair and yipped with excitement. Affogato slowly walked over. “We were both winners.” Crunchy Chip replied with confidence.

“...” Affogato didn’t understand that sentiment. In a fight, both couldn’t win. One had to topple the other.

“We both had fun, and we got to do something together after a long time.” Caramel Arrow continued, more quietly. “Besides, we aren’t trying to beat each other up too much.”

Crunchy Chip elbowed the advisor. “Yeah, wouldn’t want to end up like you.” He teased. Affogato rolled his eyes. Crunchy Chip looked at Caramel Arrow. “C’mon, let’s eat! I’m starving after that long journey to the citadel.”

“Of course.” Caramel Arrow nodded. “Affogato, would you like to join us?”

Affogato looked away. “No, thank you.” He needed some time to consider some things.

“I understand.” She nodded politely. “Make sure you get back to your room safely. Just raise your ankle, then I’ll be back to ice it for you.”

“I can do it myself.” He said simply.

She put a quick hand on his shoulder, smiling. “Just stay safe. Don’t want my new friend to get hurt again.” She added in a whisper. She went back to Crunchy Chip.

The two separated from him. Affogato slowly walked back to his room. As he walked, his mind wandered. The intimacy of the battle he just witnessed was fascinating. The pair had such a close bond with one another. It was clear that they were inseparable at heart. They’d even called each other brother and sister. The way they fought, they seemed to know each other like the back of their hands. Then, Affogato considered his new friendship with Caramel Arrow; a woman he swore to hate just a week and a half ago. Was this the turning point? He glanced back, from where he came from. He pictured Crunchy Chip and Caramel Arrow, standing side by side, smiling with glee. Then, he replaced the wolf captain with himself. Was that something he wanted?

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