The Real Beginning

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Caramel Arrow woke up early and headed to Affogato's quarters as soon as she could. With her she brought a small cooler bag. She wasn't gonna let him win this war. Yesterday she met with the doctor to ask about the healing process and what she needed to do. She was determined to treat him so that he’d feel guilty for treating her so wrongly. She knocked on his door.

Affogato grumbled, a plethora of knocks waking him. "Urghhhnnnhh.." He turned away. "Whoever you are, go away." He spoke quietly.

She could hear him murmur something, but she couldn't decipher what it was he said. "Affogato, I'm here to help you."

Well. That dampened his mood. Even further. "I didn't ask for any help. Leave me alone and let me rest." He shouted as loudly as his tired voice could.

Caramel Arrow put her hands on her hips. "Then I will wait out here for you to get up."

Affogato grumbled, annoyed. Well he couldn't sleep now, now that she'd rudely woke him up. He forced himself to sit up, making sure to be light on his leg. He lightly brushed his arms with his hands, standing up. He looked himself in the mirror, his hair looking like a total mess. He must’ve slept on it very wrong. He put on new pairs of clothes. He picked up his staff for some support and slowly hobbled his way to his door, wincing whenever he put his foot down. He stopped at the door but didn’t open it. "Why are you here to pester me so early? Don't you have your own things to do?" He spat through the door.

Caramel Arrow had her arms crossed, leaning against the wall next to his door. "I am committed to taking care of you. You never know when something could go wrong, and I need to be there for you."

Affogato scoffed. "I'm not a child, First Watcher. I do not need to be coddled, especially not from the likes of you."

"Then I will simply wait here until you need my assistance."

She was so weird it hit a nerve. "What are you gonna do, just stand there?"

"Yes, sir. I am a watcher, I am used to it."

Affogato grumbled again, opening the door. He poked his head out of his room to look at her. "Fine, if you want to waste your time, you can come in. Just don't stand idly and make me look bad." He turned away from her.

She followed him in. "What I do does not say anything about you, Affogato." She crossed her arms.

"Please shut up, you ruined my sleep." He huffed, sitting on his bed. "A whole day to waste away, I could've at least spent a few hours of it sleeping."

"I visited the infirmary yesterday. The doctor told me what I need to do to help you recover as soon as possible." She put her hands on his shoulder.

Affogato flinched. Her hands were so warm. He recomposed himself from the sudden flusteredness. "Don't grab me like that."

"Please lay down." She put her hands on her hips. "Putting pressure on your boot could worsen the injury."

Affogato let out a disgusted sound. "I know that." He lay down. He would've laid down without her word, though. He turned himself away from her.

Caramel Arrow set down the cooler bag. "I'm going to help you apply ice and elevate your leg. You're going to have to trust me, okay?"

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "That's the last thing I want to do." He muttered.

"Be cooperative with me, please. I don't want to cause you any unnecessary pain."

She was acting so kind and thoughtful, it felt sickening. He knew she didn't actually care. What was she trying to get from this?

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