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"That way, Your Majesty." A cookie directed him towards the hall just outside of the emergency room that Caramel Arrow was brought to.

Dark Cacao noticed a cookie he'd never seen before sitting on a row of chairs, looking down. Dark Cacao briefly ignored him, looking at the closed curtains to the emergency room. He growled lowly, then looked back down at the other man, who was now looking up. "Who are you?"

Werewolf Cookie felt a little nervous. This cookie was intimidating looking. "I am Werewolf Cookie, sir."

The king nodded and hummed. "Are you the cookie who found Caramel Arrow in the blizzard?"

"Yes, sir."

His brows narrowed. How was this cookie fine in the raging storm? He looked as if it hadn't affected him at all. "What village do you reside in?"

Werewolf Cookie paused. What village did he live in? Well.. he didn't live in any village. "Well.. nowhere, sir." He answered unconfidently.

"Then where are you from?" Dark Cacao eyed suspiciously.

"I live in woods far away from here, sir."

Dark Cacao was confused. He hummed in response, though. "How did she look?" He asked, softening his voice. He looked at the curtains.

"The girl? ..Not great. She was very cold and shivery when I found her, and she even had a few cuts."


Werewolf nodded. "Yeah. I found her near this really large dead animal. It was huge." He was still amazed by how big it was.

"What animal?"

He winced. "I don't know, sir."

Dark Cacao huffed. This man really wasn't from around here. "Werewolf Cookie, what brings you to these lands?"

"Food, sir." He answered simply. Dark Cacao raised a brow. "I hunt for animals." He elaborated.

Dark Cacao huffed, looking away. His arms were crossed. "..Thank you for returning her here. I will make sure you are rewarded somehow, especially if she survives."

Werewolf hummed in response. He wondered who this man was. He didn’t want to ask, though. Maybe he was her father? He seemed old enough for it. Maybe brother? Friend? Best friend? Boyfriend? Husband? Grandfather? Man, Werewolf felt unnerved now. He was in.. some place, he had no idea where. He is in the middle of some fatal life or death rescue, now with a man who seemed very tense. Probably best to stay quiet until spoken to again.

There were a few minutes of silence until Werewolf noticed a man running down the hallway towards them. The man didn’t look like a doctor. He wondered what the man was so worried about. Then, he remembered. Oh, yeah. The girl. The man slid to a stop in front of them, breathing fast. “Your Majesty!” He said, taking a few quick breaths. “What happened?” Your Majesty? The cookie he had talked to was a king?

The king looked at the man, somber in tone. “Caramel Arrow got trapped in the blizzard,” He looked back towards the closed curtains. “And was attacked by an animal.”

The man let out a noise of distress. He sat down, on the opposite side of the row of chairs to Werewolf. He put his hands on his forehead, hands digging into his hair. His elbows rested on his legs. Werewolf felt awkward, but said nothing.

Crunchy Chip couldn’t believe it. Caramel Arrow had gotten hurt. And everyone is saying it’s serious, too.  He swore, if it was a wolf who attacked her.. He shot up from the chair and looked towards the emergency room. He looked at Dark Cacao. “Your Majesty, how bad is it?”

Dark Cacao grimaced, and there seemed to be a break in his calm exterior. He growled. “I don’t know, Crunchy Chip.”

Crunchy Chip looked at the door and paused. “I’m going in.”

“No!” Dark Cacao ordered before he could open the door. “The doctors and nurses need to focus on keeping her alive. We can’t ruin their concentration.”

Crunchy Chip growled. No. She had to be okay. There is no way he is going to allow her to die, too.

Even if he was powerless in this situation.

He quickly turned and stomped off to go to Affogato.

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now