Seeing the Unseen

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Crunchy Chip had, practically, brought her back to life. The guilt back then ate her up, ate her up, ate her up. Crunchy Chip’s sister died in a run-in with some wild dire cream wolves. The incident made him question his place as captain of the cream wolves. He helped her cope with the guilt of killing her brother. He told her it was never her fault, that she couldn’t have done anything. He said if she hadn’t struck he would’ve suffocated. He was the only thing holding her steady at that time. Multiples times, the thought of suicide struck her. She told herself she didn’t deserve to be honored as a great warrior. He kept her head above the water. Caramel Arrow told Crunchy Chip that the incident with his sister meant nothing about who he was, or who his cream wolves were. That his wolves loved him with all their heart, and that, if they could, they would do anything to bring back his sister to make him happy. She said that the wolves would’ve fought their own brethren if it meant protecting her. The wolves supported him through his own grief, too. In time, their wounds mended. Their reliance on each other turned into a blossomed friendship, to which neither would lose or forget, no matter how far or how long they were away from one another. They vowed to never forget, and to cherish the memories of one another, even after death.

Caramel Arrow trudged through the citadel walls. She had received word that Crunchy Chip was talking with the King. She kept her eyes away from the eyes of other cookies. She had a lot on her mind to think about. Her reopened wounds and Affogato’s suggestion. A suggestion that there was possibly something more to that night her brother died. She opened a door to the throne room. Thankfully, Crunchy Chip and Dark Cacao were there, as reported. They were talking between each other. About what, she couldn’t tell. Crunchy Chip noticed her approach first. He let out a light gasp. “Caramel Arrow!” He separated himself from the King and gave her a bear hug. “How’ve you been, man?”

She chuckled a little as he set her down. “I’ve been alright.”

Dark Cacao was smiling. “I see your guys’ close bond hasn’t disappeared with time. It’s good to see you both in good spirits together again.”

Crunchy Chip scoffed teasingly. “Like we could ever lose that with each other.” He put an arm around her shoulder. “We’re inseparable. Isn’t that right, Caramel Arrow?”

She laughed. “That’s right.”

Dark Cacao hummed and nodded with a smile. “Was there something you needed, Caramel Arrow Cookie?”

“Right. I ask for permission to talk with Crunchy Chip Cookie privately, please.”

“Go right ahead. I will leave to attend to other matters. Stay safe, you two. You are both very important assets to our kingdom.”

They both bowed. “Thank you, Your Majesty.” She replied.

Crunchy Chip stood up straight and raised a brow after Dark Cacao left. “Talk to me privately? Something going on, Caramel Arrow?”

"I.. had a talk with Affogato." To that, he let out a gruff grunt and crossed his arms. "It's not what you think it is." She quickly said. She sighed. "I told you about how we're training to find some hidden power inside of me, and he pulled me aside after training to ask me about where it comes from. Then he brought up.." She took a deep breath. "My brother's death."

"Well, why is that asshole bringing that up, anyway? That's purely personal and has nothing to do with your potential." He criticized.

"He asked for permission to talk about it and I gave it to him." She sighed again. "He asked me a few questions and then.. hinted that I might've used my power then."

"..." He squinted at her. "What do you mean?"

"That.." She gulped. "That the power that Affogato told me about might've killed my brother." She let out quickly, swallowing afterwards.

"..Huh." He gave a weird look and put a hand to his chin. "What a dick." He grumbled. "Talking about that so nonchalantly."

"I didn't tell him I killed him!" She shouted in a blurt. She covered her mouth. "Gosh, I'm sorry."

Crunchy Chip was taken aback. "No, I understand." He sighed. "Ughhhnhhg.." He closed his eyes and tilted his head down. "If I remember the details correctly.. the arrow that killed your brother tore through his whole body. That doesn't happen normally."

Caramel Arrow appreciated him dropping the Affogato hate. She nodded. "Ah, I guess you're right."

"You told me he died on your arrow's impact." He said quietly, afraid of saying something wrong. "That isn't normal, either."

"..." Crunchy Chip was right. This is why she wanted to talk to Crunchy Chip about it. He has a much clearer mind about the whole situation.

"And you told me he slid back from the impact.”

“...” That isn’t normal, either. It would’ve taken a lot of force to do that. The arrow tore through his whole torso, which an arrow shouldn’t do. The arrow killed him immediately, that doesn’t ever happen. Thanks to Crunchy Chip, she could think more logically instead of focusing on the emotional parts of the story. So.. perhaps Affogato was right. “Wow.” Is all she could muster to say.

“I don’t know, that’s just what I remember from what you’ve told me.” He put a hand on her shoulder. “But, seriously, are you okay?”

She gulped. This new information was both uplifting and upsetting. She did have a new power to train to wield and master, but that power is what killed her brother. She nodded quickly, not looking at him. “Yes, I’m fine.” She let out a shaky breath. Crunchy Chip looked at her with worry. “Thank you, Crunchy Chip. I’m just trying to process all this information. Don’t worry.” She said to appease him.

He sighed through his nose. “I get ya. If you need me for anything else, I’m here for you, Caramel Arrow. Don’t forget that.”

“I know.” She went to him and hugged him briefly. “Thank you. I’m here for you, too.” She stepped away from him, looking him in the eyes. He looked back and nodded. Crunchy Chip. She owed her life to him for all that he’s done.

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now