A Routine

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It was really quiet for a Dark Cacao Kingdom night. If the Licorice Sea wasn’t so threatening, the Second Watcher would’ve said that the splashing of waves against the citadel’s walls were pretty peaceful. There was no wind or snowfall to be heard of. Just silence and the sea. Caramel Arrow’s footsteps came into earshot, and the weight of preparing for the watch eased for a second. He smiled and turned to his daughter. She slowly walked up to him, her own small smile forming. “Hey, dad.”

“Hey, Caramel Arrow. Third day now, eh?” He turned back towards the sea.


He noticed her contemplating demeanor. He hummed, raising a brow. “Is there something on your mind, honey?”

“Yeah.. It’s just about Affogato Cookie.”

He could only imagine what that meant. “What about him?”

Caramel Arrow watched as an owl flew past the citadel. “I learned a few things about him..” She paused, unsure of what words to use to explain. “It’s hard to explain, but.. it made me respect him a little.”

The Second Watcher gave a surprised hum. “Did anything else happen today?”

“Not really. It was pretty standard. Although, it felt like I made a first personal connection with him.” She muttered quietly. She shook her head. “But that’s enough about that. How have the watches been going?”

“Quite fine. It’s been quiet the past week.”

“Yeah, nothing has appeared or tried to attack, I’ve heard.”

He nodded. “Hopefully it stays that way.” He smiled and looked at her. “Wouldn’t want to die before you return.” He winked.

Caramel Arrow chuckled a little. “C’mon, don’t joke about that.” She looked towards the ocean. “I know you’ll be alive for me to see it.”

He put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “I plan on that.” He laughed. “Now, c’mon, Caramel Arrow! It’s your break from duties, get some rest for tomorrow!” He lightly pushed her shoulder.

She laughed as well. “Okay, okay! I will.” She knelt down and picked some snow off the wall’s floors. “Just give me one.. second..” She said, forming the snow into a snowball out of his view.

He raised a brow. “Caramel Arrow, you better not be doing what I think you’re doing.” He put his hands on his hips with a smile.

Caramel Arrow laughed, knowing he’d figured it out. She quickly got up and threw the snowball at him. He blocked it with his forearm. He laughed in response. “You’re lucky I’m about to be on watch duty, Caramel Arrow!” He grabbed a chunk of snow and messily formed a snowball. When he threw it it broke in the air and fell at Caramel Arrow’s feet.

She slowly ceased her laughing and let out a happy sigh. “Love you, dad!” She turned and jogged off.

The Second Watcher couldn’t help but smile wide. There was nothing better than seeing his last surviving family happy.

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now