Cold Morning View

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"Ahh, nothing like an ice cold mountain climb for a warm up, eh?" Crunchy Chip joked in between breaths. They finally reached the summit of the mountain.

Caramel Arrow laughed with him. "It certainly wakes you up." She took breaths for air and looked back down where they came from. The air was cold and clear. A perfect day for the Dark Cacao Kingdom. And only four more days until Christmas.

She looked over at Crunchy Chip. He was donning his usual captain uniform, as well as a hat and snowboarding goggles, while she was wearing a long, thick shirt dress that reached down to her ankles. It covered her sleeves. She wore her usual boots, long socks, and black gloves. She also wore skiing goggles on her forehead. Finally, she had a brown belt that tightly hugged her waist. It was the best replacement for her uniform she could muster, but it kept her warm. She had a ski backpack, the backpack held her skis as the duo walked up. Now, it was time to unleash them. Crunchy Chip stretched, tossing his snowboard in the snow, then sitting down next to it. "All of this work." He said.

"Just for one trip down." She finished with a laugh.

He snapped on his boots to the snowboard. "It's worth it." He smiled at her.

Caramel Arrow chuckled, sitting down next to him. He bent forward, his elbows on his knees. He looked out towards the great view they had. Breathtaking. Caramel Arrow brought her skis in front of her and began putting her boots into the clutches of the skis. As she did this, she admired the view, too. She smiled wide, her right cheek rubbing against the corner of her eye. "Dad would've loved to see this place again." She said quietly.

Crunchy Chip looked at her, seeing the bittersweetness in her face. He put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey." She looked at him. "You okay?"

She looked him in the eyes, then looked down and chuckled weakly. "Yeah."

Crunchy Chip nodded, looking outward again. "Last night, Affogato Cookie was worried about you, you know. He came to me to ask me where you were."

Caramel Arrow felt her shoulders go a little weak and she chuckled, one eye closed. A very subtle rosy feeling came to her. "Heh, really?"

He raised a brow with a slick smile. "Yup. He seemed distressed as hell. It was a little funny, even." He glanced at her again. "You guys are close now, then?"

"Well, yeah." She finished putting her skis on. She looked at him. "Being around a guy for so many weeks.. can't really help but get to know him." She smiled. "I've made many understandings with him, now. He's a lot more respectful than he lets on."

Crunchy Chip laughed loudly. "Hah! I'm getting beaten out by a guy who you just began to like a few weeks ago!" He joked.

She laughed with him. "No, don't think of it like that! I could never do that to you." She teased. "It's just really exciting to make a friend of a rival, you know?"

He smirked. "Tch, shit, based on how often I saw you two together earlier today, I'd have assumed you were a couple."

A bit of an awkwardness fluttered in her heart. "Oh yeah?"

Crunchy Chip noticed her subtle change. Now there was a bit of suspicion in his mind. "Well, yeah! Affogato is so different around you than anyone else."

"Well," she laughed. "He doesn't have any other friends, so it makes sense."

"I guess so." He nodded. "Did you get him a present for Christmas, though?"


He rolled his eyes jokingly. "Psh, did you forget the whole reason I'm off duty? Vacation! Christmas! You had to have gotten him something, for your new friend."

"Oh my gosh!" She put her hands on her forehead. "How could I have forgotten?"

He knew why. It was her father's death. Of course she wouldn't be thinking about Christmas. He was happy to help her get it off her mind. "Dunno, man. You gotta figure something out quick." He teased, gently punching her back. "I got you a gift, the cafeteria cookies, the soldiers, the gatekeeper, King Dark Caca-"

"Okay!" She laughed. "You don't need to brag about how much of a better friend you've been."

He waved a hand at her. "I'm kiddin', CA. Of course I didn't get that many gifts. Only for the special ones."

Caramel Arrow lightly chuckled. "Yeah, but you're right. I need to think of something."

Crunchy Chip stood up. "Think about it after our run. C'mon, I'm dying to get out there!" He slowly slid himself towards the start of the hill.

Caramel Arrow got up with him, grabbing her ski poles. She looked at Crunchy Chip. "Ready when you are." She nodded.

He nodded back and put on his goggles over his eyes. "Then go! Last one down buys the other dinner!" He started going down.

She growled playfully, putting on her own goggles. "Hey! You don't get a head start!" She pushed herself forward with her poles.

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now