Walking Into The Daylight

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Affogato hummed to himself, stirring up a liquid he was making. He started by pouring some milk into a large bowl, then some tea. As he stirred along, he added some sugar, to make it sweeter. It was almost noon. He had to hurry up and finish so he could give Caramel Arrow his gift. As he stirred along he added some chocolate pearls and a bit of liquid caramel. The liquid’s color turned into a light, blonde-bronzelike color. The chocolate pearls rested on the bottom. He poured the liquid into a cup. There was still extra in case he decided he wanted to have some or if Caramel Arrow wanted more. What he made was a little bit of an experiment, so he hoped it tasted alright. He took a small spoon and drank some of the liquid from the bowl as a taste test. He hummed in thought. It wasn’t repulsive, although it didn’t knock his socks off. But it seemed good enough to where she might enjoy it. It had a good amount of sweetness to it, which he liked. Satisfied, he took the cup he made and walked to the infirmary, staff in his other hand.

When he got there, Caramel Arrow was laying in bed, doing nothing. Just staring up at the ceiling. He felt a little bad. She must be bored to death in here. He could relate. They smiled at each other when he walked in. She shifted in her bed, grunting as she sat up. He set the drink down on a small table. “Hey. Good morning, Caramel Arrow.”

She gave him a warm look. “Hey, Affogato. Did you wake up late again?” She chuckled lightly.

He scoffed, rolling his eyes. “I suppose you could say that.” He turned to pick up the drink again. I got a gift for you.” He let her see it.

She studied it for a second, then chuckled. “A drink? That’s it?” She teased.

He gave a small smirk. “Consider it a small gift to go with my big gift.” He nodded towards her chest, where the necklace he gave her sat.

She looked down at it as she took the cup from him. She gave a shy laugh. “C’mon, it’s a really nice gift. I have to wear it.”

He laughed in a hum. “Still looks beautiful on you.”

She hummed happily, then took a sip of the drink. “Woah,” She said, releasing her lips from the cup. “What type of drink is this, Affogato? Mmmmm..” She closed her eyes, feeling all the different flavors and tastes meshing together to create a taste she couldn’t describe. All she knew is that she loved it. “This is.. this is so good.”

He chuckled at her light excitement. “It was something I concocted together in a little experiment. Doesn’t really have a name yet.”

“Mmm, it should! It’s soooo good.” She sighed. “What did you use to make this?”

He shrugged. “Oh, just some milk, tea, sugar, caramel, pearls..”

“Pearls?” She repeated curiously.

“Yeah, they’re on the bottom.”

She looked down at the cup as if to look for the fabled pearls. She gave an awkward smile at him. “Do you have a spoon?”

He chuckled. “Unfortunately, no. I probably should’ve thought about that. My apologies.”

She set the cup down on a table by her bed. “Guess I can’t drink any more of it, then. I have to try it with the pearls, too.”

He chuckled. “Weird way to tell me you don’t like it, you know.”

She frowned, puffing her cheeks out. “Excuse me, but I love it! I just don’t want to drink all of the sweet liquid and eat the pearls alone! That wouldn’t be right.” She crossed her arms.

He smirked, chuckling. He grabbed her puffed out cheek, which instantly broke her pouting face into a smile. “You know, you’re so cute.”

She giggled, as he pulled on her cheek gently. She smiled wide as he pulled his hand away. She grabbed his face and gave him a kiss. “You’re just so sweet.” She said, eyes closed.

He stifled a chuckle. “Now,” He started. “Tell me how you’ve been while I was sleeping.” Her body felt a lot warmer than yesterday, he could tell.

They kept their faces close together as she talked. “Crunchy Chip visited me earlier. He told me about how his introduction with Werewolf Cookie went. He’s really excited, ‘cause he wants to make Werewolf a part of his platoon." Affogato hummed, not super interested in hearing about Crunchy Chip. Although, he didn't despise it, either. "I feel a lot better. Not nearly as cold anymore." She giggled. "Thanks to you."

"Psh." He couldn't help but smile. "You." Their noses touched. "How else do you feel, hm?"

"A little weak, still. My cuts still ache a little and my head feels a little woozy." She let out a breath. "But it's nothing I can't handle."

Affogato hummed, his smile disappearing. "Yeah, the doctor said you might get a fever."

She chuckled. "Yeah, he told me that too. He also told me that I'm free to go whenever I please."

Affogato raised a brow. "Heavens, why didn't you go, then?" His brows furrowed. "It would be much more comfortable to rest in your own room than here." His tone sounded annoyed, even though he really wasn't.

She chuckled. "I wanted to wait for you. I didn't want to disappear on you, you know."

He rolled his eyes, a smirk coming to his face. "You could've just found me instead.”

“I guess I could have, but I decided not to.” She closed her eyes giving a soft, but prideful, smile.

Affogato shook his head with a smile. He held out his hand and stood up. “Well, since I’m here now, shall we get you out of here?”

She shifted in her bed, letting the covers slip away from her legs. She pulled them over the side of the bed and took his hand. “Yeah. Let’s get out of here.”

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now