Spiritual Experience

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Midnight was about to befall the Dark Cacao Kingdom. There were a few more minutes until Christmas was completely over. Caramel Arrow trudged through the snow in her regular watcher uniform underneath a winter coat. Slowly, the Altar of the Fallen came into view. A smile creeped onto her face as she made her way to it. When she got there, she stepped in front of the incense holder and let her body slip to the floor, kneeling on both legs. She let the coat slip off, too, leaving her watcher uniform alone. She took an incense stick, lit it, and set it down in the center of the incense holder. As the aroma started to waft around the area, she set her head down and closed her eyes.

“Hey, dad.” She started. She chuckled at herself a little for her ridiculousness. “I had a really nice day today. An..” Her head lifted up a little. “Inexplicably good day today. I wish I could tell you all about it.” She paused. She looked up to the sky, opening her eyes. She gave a somber smile. “Remember when you teased me about how quickly Affogato and I grew closer together? Well.. it happened, dad. It did.” She laughed. “Maybe you were expecting it.” The moon loomed over the head of the altar. The smoke of the stick spiraled up towards the full moon. She let out a breath through her nose. “I miss you, dad.” She paused again, looking downward. She closed her eyes again and clutched the necklace Affogato gave her. “I wish I could have told you all about what happened since you left.”

An owl flapped its wings, perching itself to the side of her, on one of the altar’s walls. She opened her eyes to glance at it. It watched her intently. She let out a small noise, a smile escaping her. She looked back at the altar, towards the top of it. “I know you’re still watching over me, just like mom is.. brother is.. everyone who I’ve lost. I love each and every one of you the same.” Slowly, other birds started appearing, perching themselves on the altar’s railings the same way the owl did. They watched her, too. Caramel Arrow could feel a sense of tingling inside of her. None of the birds moved or made a sound, letting her have her peaceful moment. She looked at all of the birds, gathering around her. She still clutched the necklace that Affogato gave her. Then, she looked back at the altar, smile disappearing.

“Are you with me..?” She asked sadly.

Swirls of white and brown began forming around her hand, where she clutched her necklace. It looked like the same energy that formed when she had used her powers to.. A powerful wave of emotion shot through her body, touching every sense. Her skin formed goosebumps and her body felt tense. The birds didn’t make a sound, but the owl opened its wings. It spanned around four birds, two on each side. She shivered.

..You.. are loved..

The energy that had formed around her necklace disappeared, and, as she slowly recovered from her sensitive state, the birds turned and flew off. All except the owl, who’s wings returned to its body. When she turned to look at it, it tilted its head at her. It cooed at her twice, then jumped up and flew off. She let out a deep breath, smelling the beautiful aroma of the air. She looked back at the incense holder. The stick was fizzled out, only a sliver of smoke emanating from it. She felt herself get emotional, her eyes beginning to brim with tears. She looked up to the sky, to the moon, and shouted, “I’ll never forget you!”

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now