Immediate Attention

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The gatekeeper shoved the doors to the infirmary in. "Doctors! We need someone immediately!" The keeper shouted.

A nurse entered and asked, "What's going on?" The nurse looked at Werewolf Cookie. They stopped in front of the two with a serious gaze.

"This man found our First Watcher Caramel Arrow Cookie in the snow and brought her here." Werewolf held out his hands a bit further to show her face, her body still covered by his coat. At some point during his run, she must've gone unconscious, cause she was totally limp and unresponsive.

The nurse moved his coat a little, studied for a split second, then nodded. "Follow me. Quickly."

Werewolf followed the nurse with her in his arms, a little unnerved. He had no idea where he was and what would happen, but hopefully it all would turn out okay. He shouldn't stay long, though. The nurse led him until a group of other nurses came with a stretcher, to which he unloaded her onto it and took his jacket back. He watched as the group rolled away with her, a worried expression for the cookie on his face. She did not look good, but at least he had found her before she had died. "Excuse me, sir." A doctor said beside him, snapping him out of his daze. The doctor sounded stressed, but still tried to maintain a polite tone. "I would like to ask you some questions regarding the cookie you just found."

He turned to the doctor. "Oh. Sure."

The doctor sighed. "Thank you. The quicker you answer, the faster we can diagnose the situation."

"I'm willing to answer anything you'd like." He responded calmly.


"Your majesty! Your majesty!" A cookie rushed to Dark Cacao's side. Dark Cacao turned away from the photo he was looking at to the distressed cookie.

"What is the urgency for, soldier?" He asked.

"The First Watcher was found outside in the blizzard! A strange cookie came and brought her to the citadel."

Dark Cacao's expression faltered. She had gotten caught up in the storm out there. He grunted. "What? What is her status?"

"I'm not certain, Your Majesty. But she seems to be unconscious and freezing cold right now."

He huffed. Please, not her too. "Thank you for notifying me. You are dismissed."

The cookie bowed, then scurried off. Dark Cacao briefly let out a sigh, looking up to the ceiling. "This land is a cruel land." He said to himself, then turned and went to go see Caramel Arrow.

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now