Staircase Incident

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Affogato bowed in front of Dark Cacao. "You asked for my presence, my liege?"

Dark Cacao nodded. "Yes. Go up to the wall and ask the Second Watcher for his report. He has yet to come to me."

Affogato, not thrilled by the idea of having to go out into the cold, nodded. "Of course, Your Majesty. It will be done right away." He turned and exited the throne room. He grumbled. Lovely. Just when he thought he could hit the hay for the night he had to go and do the Second Watcher's job for him. Were all watchers this inadequate at their job? That would be the only explanation as to why Caramel Arrow was the first watcher. He started scaling the castle's stairs, stepping up one by one, staff in hand.

As he started feeling the cold air from the outside tickle his sensitive skin, he tripped on one of his robes. "Ah!" He yelped, slipping and falling. He went tumbling down the hard stairwell, awkwardly landing on himself as he tumbled to the bottom. His staff fell from his hand and there was a snap in his leg. A wave of pain shot through his leg. "AH!" And just to rub salt into the wound, as he got to the bottom he landed on the injured spot. "Ohh..!" He strained, holding onto his leg, above his ankle. "God..!" He cried out in pain.

Caramel Arrow was making a mental checklist in her mind of things she needed to do tomorrow when she heard a familiar voice scream in pain. Her head perked up and she started jogging down the hallways to get to the distressed cookie. "Hello? What happened?" She shouted as she ran towards the cookie, who's struggling noises came closer as she ran.

Great, the last cookie he wanted to see. He has to deal with an injury and now her. "Gh! Don't come, I'm.. fine!" He struggled on the floor. He wasn't fine, but he just wanted Caramel Arrow to go away. There was no way he was gonna stand. Holy hell did it hurt, too.

Caramel Arrow disregarded Affogato's request. Once she turned the corner she saw him. He was on the floor, writhing in pain. "Affogato, what happened?" She slid to a stop in front of him and knelt down next to him. "C'mon, we've got to get you some medical attention."

"Nh-No! Don't touch me." He shrugged her away. Affogato let go of his leg to use his hands to push off the ground. "I'm.. fine..!" He did his best, grimacing through the process, to get on his good leg's knee. "S-See?" He was gasping.

"C'mon, Affogato, stand up." Caramel Arrow looked at his leg. He was definitely trying to avoid putting pressure on it. "If you can't, I will help you to the infirmary." She got on both knees and put a hand on his arm.

"I said don't touch me!" He shooed her hand away. He forced his other knee up, but when he tried to stand he couldn't, and he leaned forward, both of his forearms on the ground. "Gh..!" It hurt so badly. It made him shed a tear at the pain.

Caramel Arrow paused. What was she going to do? She could get someone else to get him, since he was so insistent against her, but that would leave him in pain for longer. She hated seeing a cookie in pain, even if it was her worst rival. Dark Cacao had also said to treat him kindly. She let out a sigh. This was a golden opportunity to uphold her duty to the king. "I insist on helping you, Affogato." She said, with a bit of softness. Perhaps a lighter approach would make him give in. "I want to help you."

Affogato hated everything right now. Was nothing righteous in this world? At the mercy of a spoiled, lucky, undeserving brat. She was acting all self righteous to look good. Considering the circumstances, her approach was working. How frustrating. He didn't want to give in. "Stop pretending like you.. care..!" He glared at her through his white strands of hair. "I can get to the infirmary by myself,” He grunted. “Without your help."

Caramel Arrow let out a sigh, looking out the window of the hallway. "It'll be much faster if I help you. Trust me, I have no ill intention." She held out her hand.

Affogato stared at it for a second. What other choice did he have? Crawl to the infirmary? He growled. "Ugh, fine." He spat, aggressively taking her hand. Her hand was exceptionally warm. It was slightly comforting.

"Thank you." She said gratefully, helping him up. She wrapped an arm around his shoulders, positioning him to do the same. "Use the wall if you need to support your balance." Before he could say anything more she said, "Don't worry about your staff, once I get you to the infirmary I'll get it for you."

Despite Affogato's hatred for Caramel Arrow, he couldn't help but be impressed. She had even noticed and thought about his staff. Didn’t change his perspective on her, though. Without another word, they lumbered their way to the infirmary.

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now