A Fire to Quench

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The birds were beautiful music to Caramel Arrow's ears. The Christmas aroma of the air made her feel even more cheery. Affogato carefully walked behind her, enjoying the cheery nature of the day. It was past noon, now. Things were lively in the citadel. The watchers celebrated and drank together, enjoying their time to celebrate and gift give. Caramel Arrow had hugged a few of her close watcher friends, like the Third Watcher. They all exchanged words of encouragement, celebration, and thanks. Then, the duo left to go find Dark Cacao.

Luckily, he was in the throne room. He was muddling over something with another cookie, who had a scroll in their hand. "Hm.." He hummed lowly, taking the scroll from the cookie's hands.

"The cookie said it was an urgent request, Your Majesty."

Dark Cacao turned away from the cookie and read through the scroll some more. He looked up when he heard Caramel Arrow and Affogato walk up. He eyed them, his expression unchanging. "Merry Christmas, Your Majesty." Caramel Arrow smiled, bowing in front of him. Affogato did the same, although it looked more like a curtsy, thanks to his healing ankle.

"First Watcher, my advisor." He nodded. "Merry Christmas to you, as well." He said with a bit of excitement. "Do you two need something?"

"Nothing urgent, Your Majesty. If you have something to take care of, then we can leave, if you wish." She replied.

Dark Cacao hummed and turned to the other cookie that was with him. "I will think it over. You are dismissed for now."

"Understood, Your Majesty." The cookie bowed before leaving.

"What is it that you are deciding, Your Majesty?" Affogato said behind his robe covered lips.

He looked at the advisor. He opened the scroll again. "Well, it has been reported that two villages have been feuding, and recently, it got to a point where both tribes are readying for a battle against each other in seven days. It has been requested that we send someone to douse the flames and calm both villages down." He paused, reading further. "It doesn't say what caused this commotion."

Affogato's eyes slimmed a little. "Feuding? Who has time to argue whilst living out there?" He grumbled.

"Which village tribes are involved, Your Majesty?" Caramel Arrow asked.

Dark Cacao hummed, quickly scanning through the words again. "The villages Milk and Peanut."

Caramel Arrow's eyes seemed to light up. With a determined look, she raised her hand. "Your Majesty, I request you send me to the villages."

Affogato made a surprised sound. "What?" He blurted on accident.

Caramel Arrow laughed, looking at him. She gave him a reassuring smile. Affogato grumbled something to himself and looked away. She turned back to the king, the smile still present on her face. "I have visited both villages before. I've even made friends with the leaders of each village. I assure you that I can tame the anger between the two tribes."

Dark Cacao hummed, intrigued. He looked at Affogato, then back at her. "I believe you, Caramel Arrow Cookie, but what of Affogato? He still has an ankle to heal."

Caramel Arrow looked at her partner. "I would hate to leave him, but he's been insistent on being able to do it himself. I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

Dark Cacao looked at him, a brow raised. "Well? What do you say, Affogato Cookie?"

Affogato grumbled. He kept his mouth covered with his robes, putting more weight on his staff. Part of him wanted to say no so that Caramel Arrow wouldn't go, but he would be lying. He was definitely able to take care of himself. It wasn't like the beginning, where his ankle was fully wrecked. His ankle was close to being fully healed by now. But he didn't want the one person he cared for to leave again. He looked at Caramel Arrow, who kept a smile at him. There was an awkward silence that he needed to fill quickly. Past him would've said yes immediately, but.. "..Yeah, I can take care of myself." He mumbled.

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