Comfortable Haven

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As night fell, another watch was about to begin. The Second Watcher was used to having a larger workload with his daughter’s absence. He was the first before she surpassed him. He was proud of her for it, though. He’d been thinking about her a lot recently, what with her taking on a new challenge and all. Once in a while he’d spot her roaming around the citadel, usually by herself. He wouldn’t say anything, to keep from distracting her. They had made a bit of a routine the past three days. She would stop by just before his watch started, and they would briefly check in. It was nice. They hardly got a moment like that before this change.

Footsteps crunching on the snow covered floor approached. Right on cue, too. He turned with a smile. "Caramel Arrow!" He held his arms out for her.

"Hey, dad." She returned the smile and gave him a small hug.

"Are you enjoying your time off?"

"Well, I'm not used to having so much free time." She gives a small smile. "I'm doing my best to fill in the time. I hope you're doing okay."

"Oh, of course I'm okay! Don't worry about it." He looks out to sea. "It is as I've always remembered it being."

"Tense and stressful?"

"Mhm." A bit of silence hangs over them, a gust of wind breezing by them. It was colder today. Snow was falling. "Fortunately it's been smooth, but I don't know how long that will remain."

Caramel Arrow nodded. "Whatever happens, I know that you will protect the wall."

He smiles. "Of course. I wasn't the ex-first watcher for nothing." As the two stand in silence for a while, his smile fades. "I do hope that Lord Affogato Cookie hasn't given you a hard time."

Caramel Arrow thought back to their conversation, the new things she learned about him. “No, he hasn’t.” She had made her first connection with him. Heh, she had even begun to even feel a little hopeful about the whole ordeal.

“Good.” The Second Watcher hummed lowly, standing up straight and looking at his daughter. “You know you can tell me if he’s bothering you.” He says quietly.

She stifled a laugh, looking up at the sky. She wished she could see the stars. The moon’s light was visible through the gray clouds. “I know, dad. I promise that I’m okay. Focus on fulfilling your duties.”

He sighed lightly, without opening his mouth. “I will always do all that I can.” A light smile came to his face. “But you staying up defeats the whole purpose of me taking over. Get some rest now, okay?” He looks at her and puts a hand on her shoulder.

She returned the look, still smiling. “I know, dad. I just like to check up on you before the day’s end.”

“Thank you.” He gave her a small hug. “Goodnight, Caramel Arrow.”

“Goodnight, dad. See you tomorrow.”

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now