A Quick Retreat

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It had been another long day. The Licorice Sea was quiet. The sun was setting, the sky was highlighted with pink streaks to go along with the navy blue. Stars were beginning to appear in the sky and the moon was shining brightly. A pair of boots' footsteps filled the silent snowy night sky. He turned. It was Caramel Arrow again. A smile came to his face. "Caramel Arrow." He held out his arms for a hug. She gladly returned it. "How was your day?"

Caramel Arrow removed herself with a smile. "Better than yesterday, for what it’s worth. Affogato is still being a bit stubborn, but I am feeling a little hopeful." She looked into his eyes and smiled genuinely.

"Hm." The Second Watcher looked back to the sea, smiling. "I'm glad to hear that."

"I hope that my absence hasn't been too much of a burden, dad."

He glanced at her. "Ah, don't worry. There's no problem at all. It's not like much happens during the day time, anyway." His smile disappears. "It's just fortifications for the wall. Making it stronger, preparing mentally and physically for the Licorice Sea to attack."

Caramel Arrow nodded, understanding the routine. Building, fortifying, training. Every single day, in the cold winter snow. "How are the watcher's morale?" She asked.

"All things considered, it's been okay. We've fended off the few licorice oozeling attacks."

"Are the watchers getting everything they need?"

He paused, looking towards the horizon, where the sun's light barely showed. He gave her an awkward smile and shrugged. “Heh, well. You know how it is.” He looked back out to sea. “We’re surviving.”

Caramel Arrow looked out to the sea, too. "If you need me on watch, I'll always be available."

The Second Watcher smiled at his daughter, putting a hand on her opposite shoulder. "Don't worry about it. The other watchers and I’ve got it. Worry about serving your king and the lord, Affogato Cookie."

She looked at him and smiled lightly. "I'll still be ready if you need me.”

He pat her once. “Thank you. Get rest early today, though, Caramel Arrow. Save your energy for tomorrow.”

She hummed, taking one last look at the dying sunset. Darkness overtook the sky, and the Licorice Sea’s waters stirred. Caramel Arrow looked at her father, his face now fixated on the vibrating waters. She knew he would be alright, but the guilt of her new absence got to her a bit. He would power through it for the king and her own sake. She was going to do the same.

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