Early Farewells

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The three days that Affogato and Caramel Arrow agreed to have passed. Everything had gone smoothly, and Caramel Arrow was ready. She woke up early, got her uniform on, ate a quick breakfast, and decided to pack a few rations in case she needed them. Twin blades at the ready, she marched towards Affogato’s room, per his request. He had asked her to wake him up before she left. With a smile, she quietly knocked on his door to see if he had woken himself up on his own. When there was no response, she gently opened the door ajar, peeking her head in. He was laying in bed, still asleep. She chuckled in response, closing the door behind her. She scooted a chair next to his bed and sat on it, then shook his shoulder. “Affogato, wake up.” She said gently. There was no response. “Affogatooo.” She slurred. “I’ve gotta go soon, so you need to wake up.” She shook his shoulder again.

His face scrunched a little and he grumbled. He turned to the side away from her. She giggled at this, finding it cute.

“Affogato, c’mon. Wake up, I can’t stay for that long, you know.”

A flip switched on in Affogato’s mind, and his body jolted up. His expression was still weary, but he was firmly sitting up, taking a few big breaths. He looked at her, a hand on his forehead, covering one of his eyes. “Caramel Arrow.” He looked at his surroundings.

She smiled at him. “Good morning, Affogato.”

“...” His hand fell from his head. “Good morning, Caramel Arrow.” He shifted and put his feet on the floor.

“Hey, careful!” She said immediately. “You need to have your boot on if you’re gonna put weight on your ankle.”

“Yes, I know, that’s fine.” He said quickly, standing up.

“Hey- you know you don’t have it on, right?” She grabbed the boot from the floor.

Affogato ignored her, using furniture to help him trek to his door. When he got there, he grabbed his staff to use as a cane, then opened his door. There was a stinging cold that greeted him when he opened the door. Hopefully no one else was around to see him in such a messy state. He looked out the window outside of his door. It was a cloudy day, a really icky looking day. There was a strong wind blowing the kingdom’s flag. He gave a disapproving look. “Tch.” He turned back towards Caramel Arrow, who was now behind him. He slowly crawled back into the room, grappling onto his staff. “You know it looks horrible today, right?”

Caramel Arrow let him pass, letting out a soft breath. “Yes, I know, but that’s okay!” She put a hand on his shoulder as he sat back down on his bed. He held out his hand for the boot, which she gave to him. As he put it on, she said, “I’ve been through worse conditions.”

He gave a disapproving frown. “I don’t think you should go, Caramel Arrow. What if there’s a snowstorm and you get abandoned out there?”

She was flattered by his care. “I’ll be okay.” She said reassuringly. “If I need to, I'll stay at one of the villages until the storm subsides. There’s nothing to worry about.” She smiled.

He grumbled something as he firmly placed the boot on. “If it were up to me, Caramel Arrow, I still wouldn’t let you go. But..” He sighed. “I promised I’d let you take care of it.”

She chuckled a little. She gave him a hug. “Thank you, Affogato. I’ll make sure to take care of myself.”

“You better.” He smiled himself. “I would do unspeakable things if you ended up getting hurt on this quest.” They separated.

She laughed. “Like what, Affogato?”

He wagged a finger. “Unspeakable things.” He slurred the word a little. He cleared his throat. “Now, give me a second to get everything on so I can properly wave you goodbye on your departure.

She smiled. “You don’t need to do that, Affogato. I don’t have a lot of time to spare for farewells. It’s nothing special, anyway. I’ll only be gone for the day, maybe two at most.”

He stifled a laugh, shaking his head to adjust his messy hair. “As long as you’re okay.” He hugged her again. He held her like that for a little while, feeling how warm she was compared to the stinging cold of the outdoors. “You’re so warm, you know that?”

She chuckled. “Are you still tired, Affogato?” She let herself get closer to him, her head digging into his shoulder.

He stifled a laugh again, separating and falling back. “Yeah.” He admitted, feeling weariness reach his head as soon as he fell.

She smiled, touching his forehead. “Then rest. I’ll be gone now.” She kissed his forehead, but before she could separate he grabbed her head and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. She giggled at that. “Sweetheart.” She let out a breath. “I love you, Affogato.” She separated from him, going to his door.

He smiled and hummed, a big smile was on his face. “I love you, too.” He curled back up in his bed. “Good luck out there.” He said quietly.

She paused just before she left, smiling back at him. “I’ll be thinking about you the whole way.” She muttered before closing his door.

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now