Seeking Guidance

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Affogato hummed, stirring the melted bowl of ice cream and coffee. He was at his altar, peacefully and quietly concocting something with the bowl. He was in the beginning phases of it. He wanted to craft a perfect liquid, a blend of sweet with a pinch of bitterness. He wanted to make it as a present for when Caramel Arrow returned. A warm, sweet vanilla aroma filled the air. It was a peaceful place for him to go to. No one around to bother him, a warm place to go to, away from the freezing cold of the Dark Cacao Kingdom. He let out a sigh as he continued to stir.

Then, a knock came from the door. Affogato stopped stirring, staring at the door to make sure he heard right. Then, the knock came again. Affogato’s brows furrowed a little. Who wants to bother him, and how did they know he was here? He stood up, setting the bowl down, then walked towards the door. The cookie knocked again, much to Affogato’s annoyance. He slid the door open. “What.” Affogato asked, annoyed. He was surprised to see Crunchy Chip at the door. “Oh. It’s you.” He said, his annoyance not faltering.

“Look, Affogato, I’m really sorry to bother you.” He said quickly, nervous sounding. “But you’re a priest, so I wanted to ask that I pray with you.”

Affogato raised a brow, eyes slimming. “Pray? You. Pray?”

“Gh, I know I don’t seem like one to, but I feel so powerless right now, so looking up to some sort of higher being is something I really need right now.” He threw up his arms in defeat.

Affogato hummed, still not fully convinced. “Hm. Depends on what you’re going to pray about. What’s so important?”

Crunchy Chip grimaced. “I.. I don’t think you want to know.”

“Is it personal?”

He shook his head. “No.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

He took a big, deep breath. He looked up to the ceiling in distress. “Caramel Arrow is in a really bad state.”

Affogato paused, blinking. Caramel Arrow is in a really bad state? “Wh..” He started, barely audible. “What do you mean, Wolf Captain?”

“I.. don’t know everything.” He admitted. “But she got caught in the blizzard and got attacked by an animal.” He couldn’t continue. “I need you to pray for her.”

Affogato didn’t move or say anything for a second. Crunchy Chip didn’t maintain eye contact with him. Affogato grabbed his staff by the door, then started walking away, past him. Crunchy Chip’s eyes followed his frame as he walked off as quickly as he could. He grimaced, then looked into the altar of Affogato. After a moment of contemplation, he stepped inside to give a quick prayer.

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