Quick Checkup

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Crunchy Chip's head threw back and he took a deep breath. "Ah, that was good."

Caramel Arrow nodded. "Yeah. The quality of food has gone up for the holiday season."

He chuckled in response. "A lot since the last time I was here. That was so filling."

She smiled. "It's nice to have some filling food for once, isn't it?"

"You can say that again." He laughed quickly. "Oh, by the way, Caramel Arrow, could you get your buddy Affogato Cookie? I wanna talk with him real quickly."

She raised her brows. "Oh, Affogato? Uh, sure, I can get him. Although, he probably won't want to talk." She laughed awkwardly.

"That's fine. It's worth a shot, anyway. Just wanted to ask him a question."

Caramel Arrow nodded. "Alright, then. Follow me." She stood up from her seat in the cafeteria.

He stood up and followed. "Thanks, CA."

She glanced back at him with a smile as they exited the cafeteria. It was a quiet trek to Affogato’s room. Once they got there, Caramel Arrow knocked on his door. Affogato, who was laying on his bed, eyed the door and raised a brow. Then, she spoke up. "It's me, Caramel Arrow."

"Ah." He muttered quietly. His brows lowered and he shut his book. "Come in, then." He spoke louder for her to hear.

Caramel Arrow looked at Crunchy Chip awkwardly. She put a hand against his door. "Uh, you wait here a moment. I'll talk with him." She didn't want to bring Crunchy Chip without Affogato's knowledge, especially since she knew he didn't particularly like the wolf captain. Crunchy Chip nodded. She thanked him in her head and then opened the door. When she entered and shut the door, Affogato was smiling. About what, she didn’t know. It made her smile a little, although she didn’t know why. “Hey, sorry for the sudden appearance.”

He waved a hand. “It’s quite alright.” He cleared his throat and shifted in his bed. “I’m glad to see you out and about.”

That sentence played with one of her heartstrings. Oh, boy. She stifled a laugh. “Is..- Is that why you were smiling so wide when I came in?” She laughed.

He chuckled and closed his eyes. “Hah, perhaps.”

Her smile widened. “That’s.. really sweet of you, Affogato. Thank you.”

A bit more of a serious tone returned to him. “I do worry about you, Caramel Arrow. It’s nice seeing you trying to move past it.”

She had him to thank for it. “Thanks for supporting me.” Her hands folded in front of her and she looked down. He was so sweet to her, especially after her father’s death. “I really do appreciate it.”

He nodded with a smile. “Of course. Now, is something the matter, Caramel Arrow? What brings you here?”

She felt a bit guilty that she couldn’t say for no reason. Later, she’d have to do something for him that would be for no reason. To pay back some of the kindness he’d shown her. “Ah, right.” She shook her head. “Crunchy Chip Cookie wanted to talk with you.”

His brows furrowed and he brought his hand up to his lips. “Crunchy Chip Cookie?” He repeated, eyeing the door.

“Yeah, he wanted to talk with you alone. Apologies for not bringing it up right away." How easily she was distracted by him. It was embarrassing, but at least no one else was here to witness it.

He hummed in response, eyes narrowed at the doorway. “Do you know what he wants? I do not wish to waste my time on him.” He’d rather waste his time with Caramel Arrow.

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now