Mountain Out of a Molehill

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Affogato sighed, reading through a book on the philosophy of magic theory. It was nothing he'd never heard of before. He could tell the author was mostly against the use of magic, and it bored him. His ankle was wrapped up in a boot. The doctor had offered him crutches but he'd be caught crumbled before being seen using them. Usually he enjoyed time to himself but.. being unable to do much at all made the appeal of free time disappear. He felt so miserable now.

A knock came to his door. Affogato's eyes narrowed a little. Who was that and what did they want? "Who is it?"

Caramel Arrow, on the other side, sighed inaudibly. "Caramel Arrow Cookie." She stated.

Affogato made a disgusted sound and rolled his eyes. "I don't intend on seeing your gloating face. Leave my quarters."

"The king tasked me to take care of you whilst you heal, Affogato."

"Well tell him to assign someone less unbearable for the job." He grumbled back.

Caramel Arrow shook her head. "I can't. I volunteered to do this."

That made Affogato pause. His head perked up and he looked towards his door. Why on Earthbread would she volunteer to do that? "You.. volunteered?" He repeated, making sure he hadn't made it up in his head.

"Yes, Affogato. I did. So please, allow me in or I will have to enter against your will."

She is actually serious about this. Affogato let out a gruff scoff. "Fine. Come in." He sat up straight against the backboard of the bed, arms crossed and frowning.

She softly opened the door and shut it. "Thank you." Their eyes made contact for a brief second, then Caramel Arrow let her eyes wander his room. There were many books, his desk was tidy and neat, and his bed looked soft and comfortable. She felt a little jealous. "Wow."

"Impressed?" Affogato raised a brow. His voice was monotone.

"Yes, I am." She looked at him. "I never imagined you would have a place like this."

Affogato looked away from her in defiance. "I understand it is a hard concept for a dirty dog like you to fathom, seeing as though your bedroom is probably a mess."

Caramel Arrow frowned. "It is far from a mess, Affogato."

"You probably have a bunch of dirty clothes laying around. Don't have time to clean them, since you're so busy stealing and getting dirty, hm?"

Caramel Arrow could feel her nerves tensing. She huffed, letting out a shaky deep breath. She paused. Don't give in to his taunting. "Well. Everything seems fine. Do you need me to do anything for you?" She offered, refusing to look at him.

Affogato hummed, eyes honed in on her. "Anything I want you to do for me?" He repeated, in thought.

She sighed. "Yes, I will see whatever you want through. I will be your humble servant until you heal." She closed her eyes, bowing politely. "

Affogato hummed in intrigue. She really was serious. A devious thought entered his mind. Well, he'd just have to see how serious she truly is. He hummed, an amused smile coming to his face. "Alright. Start by fetching me some coffee."

A simple task to start off with, which Caramel Arrow appreciated. She nodded. "Okay. What type would you like?"

Affogato looked at her with one eye, slightly disappointed she'd asked that question. "Whatever is available."

She gave a slow nod. "It will be done, Affogato." She exited.

The walk to the cafeteria was relatively quiet. She grabbed one of the coffees that they offered, then made her way back to Affogato's room. She poked her head through, looking at him. He lay still, reading a book. He eyed her as she reentered. "Oh, you're back." He didn't sound very thrilled. "My coffee as ordered?" He sat up again.

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now