Not a Problem

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The Second Watcher cleared his throat. The soreness in it was still there. He was feeling a bit under the weather, but the watch didn’t wait for him to get better. He was readying his bow, making sure the string was tight and strong. His quiver was slung over his shoulder, arrows at the ready. He couldn’t let down his guard tonight, not with this illness pestering him. He prayed for a peaceful night so that he could rest the next morning. The footsteps of Caramel Arrow greeted his ears and for a moment he let his guard down. He smiled and turned to her. “Caramel Arrow.”

“Hey, dad.” She smiled and waved. She stopped next to his side.

“How was your day?”

Caramel Arrow squinted at him, noticing his slightly gravelly voice. “I’m fine, but, dad, are you okay? You sound kind of sick.”

He laughed, although it sounded grating to Caramel Arrow. “Figured it out already, huh? I guess nothing ever gets past you.” He put his bow behind him in its holder.

She crossed her arms. “Dad, what are you doing? Tell the King you are sick, you must rest tonight.”

“No, no, Caramel Arrow. I promised to watch over the wall and I shall. It isn’t a horrible illness, I can manage.”

“Dad!” She urged.

He put a hand on her shoulder and looked at her intently. “I promise it’ll be fine.” He nodded. “It isn’t cold and it isn’t storming. I said I would take over your place for you and I shall.” Caramel Arrow opened her mouth to speak, but he put a finger up. “It’s a small sacrifice I’m willing to make. I’ll be okay.”

Caramel Arrow grunted. She didn’t support this idea, but she also didn’t want to argue with her father. He was wise and smart, he knew what he was doing. If he was too sick to stand he would’ve told the King. “Fine. You promise you’ll be okay, though?”

He smiled at her confidently. “I promise.” He gave her shoulder a small shake then pulled away. “Anyway, how was your day, sweetheart?” He moved towards the edge of the wall.

“It was okay. A lot of self reflection, though.”

He hummed. “On what, Caramel Arrow?”

“Well.. Affogato Cookie and I have been training together. I forgot to tell you that. Sorry.”

He chuckled. “Don’t worry about it, I’ve noticed.”

“Oh. Well, the reason why he watches me train is because he says that I have this.. power, or something, that I haven’t learned to use yet.” The Second Watcher hummed and nodded. “Today I was trying to figure it out; whether what he spoke of was true, I guess. That’s all.” She didn’t want to bring up her brother’s death to him.

“I see.” He looked to his side at her. “Have you figured it out?”

“..Yeah. I think I have, at least. Once I go, I’ll talk to Affogato about it.”

He nodded, and a moment of silence passed. Then, he stifled a laugh. “Hah, Lord Affogato Cookie really has grown on you. When you started taking care of him, you both hated each other’s guts.”

“Well, it was mostly one sided.” She said with a finger up.

“Don’t try and downplay your dislike, Caramel Arrow.” He teased. “He may have provoked it, but you did take the bait.”

She groaned with a smile. “I take no responsibility.”

“Hey, that’s not the daughter I learned to raise. Where did you hide her?” He wrapped his arms around her neck jokingly. They both lightly chuckled. He coughed once after. “You better tell him, then.” He let go, holding her shoulders an arm’s length away.

“I know. I will.” She put her right hand on his left arm, at his elbow. “Promise you’ll be okay?”

He laughed. “Again, Caramel Arrow, I promise.”

She smiled. “Love you, dad.”

“I love you too, Caramel Arrow.” He cleared his throat.

She separated and left.

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now