Welcome (Back), Friend

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Two days passed since that night. Caramel Arrow took up Affogato's offer to help her find her supposed hidden power. Even if she didn't have what he spoke of, training, as well as spending time with him, was nice. She was starting to think of him more. In small bursts her mind would think about what he would say, what he would want, what he would do. She hadn't told anyone about it, though. The other watchers would ask about him to her, but she would keep her answer vague, and change the subject quickly.

Affogato felt strange about this whole ordeal. Over a week in and his stance on Caramel Arrow was so much more mixed. A stubborn side of him wanted to keep his mindset of her; that she was a no good cookie who had darker intentions than she showed. But after getting to know her a little, another side wanted to even call her his friend. He hadn't had a friend for a long time. The King's relationship to him was more professional than a friendship.

Affogato was alone in the cafeteria. He was sipping on some warm hot cocoa. He felt like having something wholly sweet today. Caramel Arrow had joined him, but he dismissed her to do as she felt for the time being, although she promised to be back in ten minutes. So he was alone, thinking about her and his own relation to her. He didn't have it in his heart to hate her anymore. She stayed by his side loyally and looked out for him, she had volunteered to serve him with no rhyme or reason, and she always remained patient with him, like their past feuds never happened. It was all so conflicting. He hadn't done much for her in return. She never clammored about getting anything in return. It was, really, unconditional care. The other day she had even brought him dinner without him asking. The most he did was tell her about her untapped potential. He looked out the cafeteria windows.

"..." Maybe he should thank her.

He finished his drink. He lightly set it down and considered the notion of thanking Caramel Arrow. There was no reason not to. He stood up and returned his dirty cup, then walked out the doors into the cold air. How long has it been? He estimated about five minutes. He wondered where Caramel Arrow would be. As a soldier was walking by the cafeteria, he stopped them. "Excuse me, may I ask you a question?"

The soldier looked at him. "Oh, Lord Affogato Cookie! Of course you can."

"Uh, have you seen the First Watcher anywhere around here? I'm looking for her."

"Yeah," The soldier started, pointing northeast. "I saw her heading towards the wolf stables over there."

Affogato nodded. "Thank you." He wondered about what she would be doing in the stables. Then he remembered. She was probably off to see Crunchy Chip Cookie, who'd returned to the citadel for the holidays.


Caramel Arrow was pounced on by Crunchy Chip's personal wolf. "Ah!" She laughed. "Hey- stop!" She pushed lightly on the excited wolf.

"Caramel Arrow!" Crunchy Chip's voice exclaimed excitedly. He gave a hand to her, which she took. The wolf got off of her so that he could help her up.

"Hey, welcome back." She put another hand over his for a second, then separated. "You're back for the holidays now, right?"

"Yup! Although, it's unfortunate my squad had to stay behind." He shrugged.

"Yeah, someone has to stay behind and watch the borders." She nodded.

"Yeahhh, but I trust them. It's too bad that they won't get to celebrate, but I'm sure they'll figure out something to celebrate out there." He smiled, walking past her and outside. He took in the cold air. "Now, what have you citadel folks been up to since last I was here?" His wolf sat next to him, taking in the fresh air, too. Snowflakes were lightly sprinkling.

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now