Bad Omen

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Before she headed to Affogato’s room, she decided to check in with Dark Cacao. Everything was fine as is.

A knock. “Come in.” Affogato simply said, not looking up.

Caramel Arrow allowed herself in. “Hey, Affogato Cookie.”

He looked up at her, then back down at his book. “Hey.” He cleared his throat. “Before you ask, yes I iced my leg and raised it for thirty minutes. Like I said, I can do it myself.”

She smiled lightly. “Good. Even if you can do it yourself, I still insist on helping.”

Affogato let himself slip a smile. He didn’t mind her insistence. He thought about asking if she had thought about her past, but decided against it. He didn’t want to force an answer out of her, unless she wanted to say something. So instead, he asked, “Feeling better?”

Caramel Arrow nodded. “I feel fine, yes. I wanted to talk to you about my ‘power.’”

Oh great, she was already ready to talk. “Great! What have you come up with?”

“Well.. I think you’re right.”

He stifled a laugh when he realized she wasn’t going to elaborate. “Heh, well, of course I’m right.” He stroked his own ego. “But have you realized what causes this to trigger?”

“Well.. not fully, I guess? What you had guessed before was mostly spot on, based on some of the things I reflected on.”

“Like what?”

She looked away. She was getting uncomfortable, he could tell. “Like how I felt that night you saw me, or when I fought those Licorice Sea monsters.”

She was avoiding saying “her brother’s death,” which was understandable. Still, it made Affogato raise a brow. She wasn’t being fully open with him. Again, understandable. “So you believe me to be right, then? That it comes out when you feel a real threat?”

“..Yeah.” She said timidly.

“Then what do you suppose was the reason you believed there was a threat when you were training by yourself? You said that, in your mind, you knew there was no real threat. So what drew it out then, Caramel Arrow?” He challenged her to think more.

“I guess.. well- Sometimes there are things we can’t explain.”

He gave a disapproving frown. “Well there must be a reason. Such power doesn’t just.. come and go..!”

Caramel Arrow felt a wave of inconfidence hit her. “Nh..”

Affogato hummed and closed his eyes. Then, a horn sounded, muffled by the walls. Affogato’s eyes opened and his head perked up. “What was that?” He had definitely heard it before, but couldn't put his finger on it.

Caramel Arrow was immediately alert, like the alarm set off a switch in her brain. “It’s the watch horn.”

“What does that mean?”

She looked him in the eyes. “It means that there is an attack.”

Unseen | Caramel Arrow Cookie x Affogato CookieWhere stories live. Discover now