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It's later that evening, after Lindsey heads back home, when I finally find myself settling down for the night.

I'm exhausted, and I can't tell if it's the whole pregnancy thing, or maybe I'm just old. I don't know, but whatever it is, it sucks.

Though my feet were killing me all night long, I actually had a good time. It was simple, and even comfortable. We didn't talk the whole time, though we did converse somewhat. And after dinner, we even sat on the couch to watch some cheesy movie. It was nice, yet I know that it won't be forever.

Slumping into my sheets, I lean back against the headrest. "Hi, there." I smile lightly, index finger falling right on top of my bump.

I have never really been one of those women that constantly chit-chat with their unborn babies, but I think I need to get to know them. They seem different to me, only because it's been so long since I've had such an experience. I feel connected, but I know I'd feel even better if they started to know my voice.... I read that that was important, of course.

"I think you're getting bigger and bigger every time I look down at you." I can't help but giggle, because it's true. I feel like with every passing minute, my BMI just increases- it's insane. "Oh, yea? Really? You're doing it on purpose?" I'm glad Bridget isn't home, or else I'd be put somewhere, especially with her lack of compassion.

She thinks I'm crazy as it is- if she knew I was talking to two little eggs, she'd run away just like Betsy.

I freeze the moment I hear the sound of unsteady footsteps coming up the staircase. Looking over at the alarm clock on the stand, I bite down on my lower lip. Bridget said she wouldn't be home until late... Ten is definitely not her idea of late.

Sitting up slowly, both of my hands plaster themselves to my stomach, which is kind of crazy. When I was pregnant with the girls, I didn't rub them until much later, but I think the fact that I'm already so big- I can't help it.

"Okay," I whisper, throwing my legs over the edge of the bed slowly.

Reaching under the bed, I pull out my baton. I obviously don't use it anymore, but it does come in handy in cases of emergency. And I think someone creeping through the house late at night is definitely an emergency... of some sort.

But before I even wrap my hands around the metal part, the door slowly stirs ajar and my father peeks around the corner. "Put that thing down, Stephanie." He lets out a chuckle as he flips on the bedroom light.

"How the hell did you guys get in?" I huff lightly, even though I'm actually thrilled to see him, and I know my mother is sneaking around here somewhere.

"Well you shouldn't keep a key under some stupid frog out front." There she is. "It really isn't safe." She shakes her head gently as she pushes passed my father to get into my bedroom.

"Hi, mom." It seems like forever since I've seen them, but it's only been since the wedding... which was actually about four months ago, so maybe it has been forever.

"TeeDee, you look chubby." She stops half way through the room, hands on her hips as she looks from me back towards dad.

"It's winter, Barb- hibernation season." He assures, leaning to one side of the doorframe.

I laugh stiffly as I start to usher them out of the room. "Let's go get you settled into the guest room and then maybe we can have some tea." I don't want them to stare at all my chub for much longer, because then they might start putting two and two together.

I guide them down the hall until we make it to the guest room, which I can assume will one day be a babies bedroom.

I have two empty rooms at the moment, and I've been easily tossing around nursery ideas. It's not as hard as it might seem when you don't know the gender- yellow. Both rooms are going to be a soft yellow, and that's okay. Both my girls had a yellow nursery, so it only seems fitting if these babies are welcomed home to a bright, happy bedroom.

"So? Any special occasion?" I know they don't just pop in, ever.

Maybe if I was sick, or something more brutal like that, but not just for a visit. They hate flying, so they'd prefer I come there, but traveling is totally out of the question for the next couple of months.

"We came for Christmas..." She says as we start to trail down the staircase. And I don't believe her- not at all. "And Betsy called last week..." And there it is.

There's the real reason she would step onto a plane and journey all the way here.

Rolling my eyes, I shake my head in disbelief. "Oh, yea?" I mumble, guiding her into the kitchen.

My fathers already laying down, tired from their flight, which I'm almost thankful for. He takes things in a little differently compared to my mother, and that has always scared me.

"When I said that you need to find a man, I didn't mean get pregnant and trap him." She sets the kettle of water on the stove, and I can't help but laugh. She's joking, of course she is, but it is a little ironic... that's all.

"Did Betsy say if she was planning to come for Christmas?" I'm not really focused on this whole baby thing, not right now. I'm more concerned about all the shit Betsy spilled to her grandmother.

"She'll be here." She nods, which almost makes me feel a little better right away. "We talked for a about an hour, but I told her that she really needs to talk to you." My mom is probably the least judgmental woman I've ever met and that's exactly what I need in a time like this.

She finds out I'm pregnant and then nothing else... she just keeps the conversation going.

"Thank you for coming." I move around the counter, wrapping my arms around her neck to pull her in for a hug.

"I love you," she kisses the side of my head before she gently pulls away. "And you are quite big already." She lets out a laugh, probably wondering what I've been putting into my body for the last couple of months.

"They are, aren't they?"


"I can't right now." I shake my head, sighing lightly as I fall into my office chair.

"Lindsey, you're the only one who can do this." My co-worker protests, eyes soft with hope. "It's just going to be for a couple of weeks, and then you'll be home- back to normal."

I think about it for a moment, on the fence until I realize that I don't have much of choice. I can't just let down my entire company, so spending a couple of weeks in April out in Chicago is the only solution.

"Fine," I nod softly, almost rolling my eyes.

I can't believe that I'm going to be a thousand miles away only weeks before her due date. She's going to hate me.

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