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Having my parents as house guests for a whole week was bound to be interesting, and of course it is.

We spend the first couple of days just hanging out, catching up and relaxing... They're easy for the most part. My mother just cleans everything, even though my new housekeeper comes once a week... she doesn't think that's enough, but it's really only Bridget and I most of the time, so it isn't like it gets messy all that fast.

And my father tries to find a solution to every problem- like the garage door. He said it was going 'too slow,' so he headed for the hardware store to get tools to fix it... scary. But I do have to admit, having them here makes life seem a little easier.

I have someone to talk to all the time, even when I'm trying to fall asleep at night- my mother will come in, flip on the lights and sit down next to me. It's great, really. Their company is beyond appreciated in these bizarre times.

"You look so pretty." My mother gives me a smile, leaning to one side of kitchen counter.

She's making sides for Christmas dinner, which is really nice. I only had to put the turkey in the oven, and then she just kind of took over.

"I agree," my dad winks as he carries a cup of coffee into the living room to watch 'A Christmas Story.'

"You're so funny." I know I don't look all that pretty this morning.

My hair is a mess, I have little bags under my eyes and I probably stink. I woke up at four throwing up, and I couldn't go back to sleep. I thought I was supposed to be over that by now, but I guess not...

"Merry Christmas!" Bridget's voice echoes through the foyer as she hurries into the kitchen.

"Merry Christmas!" My mother and I say it in unison, which causes her to laugh lightly.

"I'm starving," She comes around the island, looking over her grandmas shoulder to see what she's making. "Okay, I'm gonna make some bacon." She announces as she slides towards the refrigerator.

"Did you have fun at the party?" I pull out a stool, hopping onto it carefully.

"There wasn't any guys, were there?" Barbara already knows the answer to that question, but Bridget would never actually admit it.

"Of course not." She shrugs lightly, shaking her head as if anyone would really believe that tall tale.

"Anyway, are we going to be in the presence of... of, um." Barbara pauses for a moment, looking up at me for the first time in awhile. "What is his name?" She creases a brow, hands hitting the counter with a soft thud.

"His name is Lindsey." I want to roll my eyes, only because that's so awkward. She doesn't even know his name.

"Sounds lovely," She gives me a gentle smile and that's when I realize that she isn't judging me.

Like I said, she just understands everything, even if it's complicated and strange. And she may not approve of my actions, but I know she would never tell me that.

"I talked to Betsy this morning and she said she was going to be here around two with everyone else."

"Good," I nod, eyes falling towards the counter.

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