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Laying on my side, watching his eyes flutter gently, I can't help but smile. I know that we don't have it all figured out. No, not even a little. He still has a girlfriend and I never even called to tell Vic that I wasn't going to Aspen after all. We're stuck in a confusing web of love, but I know that this is what I want.

I want him, and all the wonderful, all the hectic, all the annoyance that comes with loving him. It all almost excites me in a way- a way it didn't before. I know it's not going to be easy, but loving someone never is and I'm willing to try. Really try.

Glancing over at the clock on his nightstand, I realize that it's a little before eight, so I know two sets of tiny feet will soon be moving down the hallway. Sliding out from underneath the sheets, I reach to floor to grab his t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants.

Moving towards the bedroom door, I look back at him- smiling at how adorable he is. And as soon as I step into the hallway, Helena runs right into my legs, tugging on her dads shirt.

"Mommy, you didn't go?" She looks up at me, a big smile on her face.

Chuckling lightly, I shake my head in return. "I couldn't leave you for five whole days!" I scoop her up quickly, feeling her wrap her legs around my waist.

"Good, because I didn't want you to go bye-bye." She says through a long yawn as her head instantly falls in the curve of my neck.

"Mommy!" Hudson's voice almost echoes down the hall the moment he emerges from his bedroom at the far end.

"Hi, sweetie." I give him a small smile, reaching out for his hand. "Let's try to stay nice and quiet, okay? Daddy is still sleeping." I half whisper, just so they remember what our indoor voices are.

"You look so pretty, mommy." Helena titles her head to one side, leaning in to kiss my cheek.

"So do you, sweet girl." I kiss her back, causing her adorable giggle to fill my ears. "What are we going to make for breakfast?" I ask, gently setting her back down on the floor once we make it to the bottom of the staircase.

"Oatmeal with blueberries!" Lena leads the way into the living room, falling onto the couch to watch Saturday morning cartoons.

"Ew... I want ice cream." Hudson crawls into the chair, wrapping up in a blanket to watch television as well.

Letting out a dry laugh, I roll my eyes at him playfully. "Try again, dear." Setting the remote back down on the coffee table, my hands both fall on my hips.

He wrinkles up his nose, but he lets out a gentle laugh only a second later. "Waffles," he nods, eyes moving from me back towards the cartoons.

Raising an eyebrow, I venture into the kitchen, wondering what sort of food Lindsey actually has.

"I don't like that show..." Helena's small voice causes me jump- the girl pops up out of nowhere. "So I'm gonna help you, mommy." She adds as she starts to pull herself up onto the stool at the breakfast bar.

"I appreciate that, my girl." It always makes my heart happy when she wants to spend extra time with me, only because I know that one day, she won't.

When she gets older, hopefully that doesn't happen for a really long time, she'll ask me to start dropping her off a block away from the movies. We'll fight over her outfit, her hair color and the way she does her makeup. She won't like me, because I just "don't understand," or I'm "too old" to get it. So right now, her loving me is the best thing ever, because she'll be just as full of attitude as her sisters... I know she will.

"But we need to listen to music," she points lazily toward the radio on the kitchen counter, probably because she doesn't know how to turn it on.


Leaning to one side of the doorframe, I can't help but smile at the sight of my two favorite girls, dancing around the kitchen. Stevie's holding both of Helena's hands, letting her twirling around the room while they sing along to the classic rock station.

I love this. I love waking up to a house filled with the people that make me truly happy. And I don't know what she wants from this. I don't know if she thinks that dating, or whatever you'd call it, is right...

I think so. I don't think I could settle back into the life I was living before last night, because our night really meant so much to me. All of it.

"Good morning, beautiful girls." Smirking softly, I move further into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Lindsey." Stevie replies, holding out her hand for Lena to spin around a couple of times.

"Daddy, don't I look like a ballerina?" Helena stops steadily, a big grin on her face as she waits for me to reply.

"I think you look like a princess," I give her wink, which just causes her to laugh more.

"You're the best!" She says with a voice full of enthusiasm.

"He is, isn't he?" Stevie's cutting up a waffle, a small smile marking her gorgeous face. "Can you go tell Hudson that breakfast is ready?" She asks, hand softly falling on Helena's head.

Once she runs into the living room, my eyes meet Stevie's. I have this feeling that she's going to tell me how big of a mistake last night was. Or maybe she's going to complain about missing her flight to Aspen, and ruining her trip with Vic. Maybe she's going to tell me that trying to make us work isn't the best idea and that all scares the hell out of me.

"Did you sleep alright?" I can't take the silence, even if it isn't totally uncomfortable- it does seem a little heavy.

She looks up at me, setting Helena's oatmeal off to the side to trail around the counter. Her hands both land on my legs as she quickly leans in to kiss my lips. "I slept wonderful, baby."

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