Chapter 13

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Muichiro took Genya to the poison healing person.

Her name: Aoi Aoi

(Not Aoi Kanzaki.)

"Ah, hello prin- Oh my... You look so gloomy, what happened?"


"Oh, no! Were you poisoned?"

"Not me. My …Friend."

"Oh, alright... Their name?"

"Genya Shinazugawa. The adventurer that raised to rank A in a few months, you know him..."

"The same Genya that saved you~?
Hehe, you hesitated when you said friend. Are you two more than that?"


"Sure, but not for long. Bring him in."


Aoi Aoi (Not Aoi Kanzaki) healed Genya's poison.

"Ah, this poison is too strong. My special ability can't completely neutralize it... And I'm surprised you survived this long. Your Aura seems to be pretty damaged. Something has been slowing its effects down. Not sure what exactly, but it's a strong feeling, I suppose. You know, Aura can be healed by strong positive feelings sometimes. Not always. Sometimes.

Something similar bappened to you, I suppose. Either someone really loves you and their feelings are keeping your aura from copletely evaporating, or maybe it's just an enchanted item you have. And, just because I neutralised some of the poison doesn't mean you're completely safe from losing all your aura and eventually dying. You have to find the antidote."

"But there is no antidote..." Muichiro said.

"There is no poison without an antidote, prince Muichiro. People just don't know it. Let me see.... Hmm..." Aoi Aoi got up and started looking for something.

"There! This is the map to the antidote. And this is a drawing for those flowers."

"You have a map of it??" Genya asked, confused.

"I have a map for everything, kid."

"That's nice."

"What even is the antidote?!" Muichiro said, irritated that he couldn't figure out what was on the piece of paper on the table.

"That - is a blue spider lily. Well, this drawing, I mean. Those flowers are extremely rare and they bloom for a very short period of time. They also only bloom in fully sunlight in the daytime and only for a few days every year. One flower blooms only for a day. It's the blooming season of those flowers currently, so you should hurry before they stop blooming. If you don't find the flowers in time, then... Well, Mr. Genya, you'll lose your aura and your life along with it. You should keep whatever kept the poison kind of neutralised earlier, with you. It's the wisest thing to do. You'll have more time to look for the antidote that way."

"But we do not know what kept the poison-" Muichiro and Genya said at the same time.

"Could be a person that deeply cares for Genya. Could be an item that was enchanted. Who knows? I already said it. Weren't you listening?"

"I-" Genya couldn't even finish his sentence. Aoi Aoi shooed both of the boys outside.
"Oh and make sure to return the map to me!" Aoi Aoi added.


"Blue flower lillies, huh?" Genya said.

"So... How exactly are we supposed to get to those flowers in such a limited time?"

"Well... The more people we will have, the sooner we will find those flowers, right?"

"Ah, I see what you mean." Muichiro said as soon as he realized what Genya meant.

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