Chapter 4

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"My, my... Aren't you a little too proud of yourselves? You kids only made it this far because someone distracted me from killing you five." Said Mukane. Soon after, he started laughing maniacally.

"DIE!" He shouted as he used a magic attack "Ice spikes". The name speaks for itself. Spikes made from ice. Everyone dodged, but now they were separated. Ice spikes created a maze. Tanjiro used a sun magic spell to melt all the ice in a second. The wizard prepared a different attack. This time, more dangerous. Suddenly, rocks started falling from the sky. They weren't any ordinary rocks, either. They were magic ones, meaning they are so much more dangerous.

The wizard is flying in the sky, the kids are dodging attacks...

Genya pulled out his gun, hid behind a rock that fell from the sky earlier. He aimed for the wizard and shot. He managed to shoot his right thigh. Which isn't fatal just yet. Poison takes time to take effect, after all.

Genya looked up, saw a rock coming right at him. The wizard has noticed him. Genya dodged right before it hit him.

What he saw in front of him was just rocks. Actually, another labyrinth-like moment.

"GUYS?! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Genya shouted.


"I'M FINE, BUT MY LEG GOT STUCK IN SOME ROCKS..!" Amother voice coild be heard. That was Tanjiro! Genya went up on a rock and found where his froend was. He quickly pulled his gun out when he saw the wizard heading for where Tanjiro was.

He aimed and managed to shoot the wizard's arm, getting his attention amd buying Tanjiro time to free his leg. The redhead got free and using a water attack, he ambushed the the wizard from the behind.


Zenitsu and Inosuke also attacked the evil wizard.

Genya nodded and went inside the wizard's lair.

"Damn, this place is bigger than my old house." Is what Genya thought when he entered. He knew he didn't have much time, so he immediately started looking for Muichiro.

Genya checked every room, every door... Time passed, he reached the final room, multiple times he felt a huge earthquake. He opened the door, expecting to find the one he was trying to find, but there was nobody there. It didn't seem like there were any secret rooms, either.

Suddenly, Genya felt someone behind him, about to attack him. Genya turned around and pinned that person to the ground... He had something in his hand. A vase. Full of rocks. The vase broke when it made contact with the floor.

The person realized that the person he tried to attack was not the kidnapper, but someone else. Someone he saw in the spy glass...

It took Genya a moment to realise that the person whom he just pinned to the ground was a girl..? He looked at "her" in suspicion.

"Who are you and why were you trying to kill me?" Asked Genya in a cold voice.

The "girl" opened her mouth to say something, but as soon as she did, another earthquake came. Genya just got up and grabbed the girl's hand. The roof started breaking, so he started running to a safer place.

In the meantime, he asked the girl:
"Listen, I don't know who you are or why you tried to hurt me, but do you by any chance happen to know where the princess is?" Genya asked in a friendlier voice than before, when he realized that she wasn't trying to get away from him.

The girl was quiet for a moment, trying to catch her breath. Genya stopped running, so did she.

"You idiot... I don't know what exactly expected when you were looking for the "princess"... I am her!" Said the girl with black hair that was tied to a bun. It was quite loosened, too. She had teal eyes. Actually, mint? No, it was a tone between mint and teal.

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