Chapter 9

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"Muichiro, dear, wake up~ You need to get ready for your date today."

"What date..? I don't remember anyone telling..."

"Ah, so you forgot... You're going on a date with your fiancé! Aren't you excited?"


"Now, now. Don't shout at your grandmother. I'm sure you'll like your fiancé. He's a nice boy..."

"I'm not even at the age of... You know what? I am not going."

"That is not a choice. Now go get ready."

"And what if I don't?"

"Then you'll have to go wearing pajamas."

Muichiro, despite resisting, got dressed.

Now it's time to meet that guy that apparently wants to marry him.

Muichiro was fighting against the urge to scream.

"Oh, I am so happy! My little Muichiro is finally meeting his fiancé~"

"I have a question..."


"Why? Why am I in this..?"

"Oh sweetie, you were already arranged to marry that prince before you were born, because your parents and his parents wanted to set ties together!"

"So it's not you that arranged-"

"I could cancel it if it was me that signed the contract, but I wasn't the one that did it. And do you think I was so disappointed not having a granddaughter that I'd force my grandson to become one?"

"Um. Maybe..."

"You thought wrong. I did want a granddaughter, but fate didn't agree with me. I didn't go so far trying to make you ladylike only for my personal reasons. Well, I did enjoy having you as my granddaughter, but there was really only one way to settle peace with that kingdom... You know, the king's father was supposed to marry me, but your grandfather snatched me away with his love. As much as I don't like saying this...
Maybe you'll learn to love prince Daiki."

"And what if that never happens..?"

"I don't know, then. If only there was another way to sort things out... Maybe you wouldn't have to be in this mess."

"...Do you really mean it?"

"Yes. And... We're here."

Akira cleared her throat and walked in the throne room.

Muichiro was greeted by king Kai and his son, Daiki.

Muichiro forced a smile and his voice definitely sounded annoyed.

"So I'm going to be marrying her... She's beautiful, but..." Prince Daiki was thinking, but got cut off by his father pushing him.

The two were told to go to the garden.


"So... You're the princess of this kingdom?"


"I think you're pretty good looking."

"Mhm." Muichiro now started thinking of his friends. It made his mood a little better.

"How old are you?"

"I turned 14 this year. And you?"

"I turned 15 last month. You're not too younger than me... Thank gooodness."

"Yeah, I'm glad you're not a 40+ year old creep."

"Hey, that was pretty rude. And here I thought princesses were humble and respectful towards others."

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