Chapter 25

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"Hello, Mr. Genya and Muichiro..." The female demon started talking.

Genya quickly took his hand to his pocket, where his gun was supposed to be...

It's gone.

It's not there.

Genya looks up with a grim face.

"Is... Is this the end of my life..? Is this... Really how it goes..? Am I really going to die now..? I didn't even get to tell Muichiro how I... No, I did tell him, but he... Muichiro doesn't know Japanese... I haven't told him in the language he understands... No... Ugh... What am I supposed to do..?! I... I didn't even get to grow old enough to start looking for... My siblings... Oh... Aniki... Please don't miss me..." Genya's mind fills up with so many thoughts all at once. His eyes tear up.

"Ah, please do not fret... We mean no harm to you two.... Yushiro, stop frowning, please. You're scaring them." The female demon told the other demon, whose name seems to be “Yushiro”. He immediately stopped frowning.

"What do you want from us..." Genya said. He's terrified, but he's trying to be courageous.

"How about you both get up and come out of this room..? We just want to talk peacefully... Isn't that right, Yushiro?" The female demon looked over to Yushiro, who was deathstaring Genya and Muichiro.

"Y-Yes, lady Tamayo!" Yushiro answered. He immediately stopped deathstaring the poor teens and did a salute.

"... So... Your names are... Yushiro... And Tamayo..?" Genya mumbled.

"Why yes, dear... Once you two are done getting ready however you humans do it, come outside this room and go to the left. We'll be waiting for you there. Let's go, Yushiro." Tamayo said.

The demons left.

"... This was... A... Strangely... Peaceful conversation..." Muichiro muttered out. He then got up from the bed he was lying in.

Genya blushed as soon as he heard Muichiro's voice.

"Yeah... Maybe those demons are like Niiko..?" Genya mumbled.

"I agree. If they wanted to kill us and eat us they would've done it already..."

"Mhm... Well... We don't really need to change our clothes, as... We're already... Dressed up... From last night..." Genya said.

"Yeah..." Muichiro muttered out and put his hand on his hair. It needs to be brushed...

Muichiro looks annoyed.

"You okay there?" Genya asked.

"My hair... It's all knotty and messy. Gosh this is gonna be a pain to brush."

"If you want, I'll brush it for you-"

"It's alright, I can do it myself..."

"Alright, but I'm here if you need anything."

"Mhm. But really, I can do it myself." Muichiro said, sure in himself.

Muichiro ended up asking Genya to brush his hair.

After they brushed their hairs and stuff. Idk.


"Okay, let's go now..." Muichiro said. He opened the door.

"The demon said... To the left, right?" Genya asked.

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