Chapter 15.5

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"...It happened 3 years back. I had a friend I knew... From the oprhanage."

"Wait you're an orphan?!" Nezuko said, shocked.

"Did you seriously forget what I said when I lost my memories?"

"I thought your mother was alive-"

"She was arrested for a few days when she killed my father, because my youngest sibling was only a few months old and had to be taken care of. But, after like, two years passed since that day, she committed suicide... And we were taken to an orphanage."

"That's unfortunate." Zenitsu said.

"Yeah, to make the matters worse I had to be the one that found her hanging from the ceiling of her room."

"That must've been traumatizing..." Tanjiro said.

"No shit, sherlock."


"You're talking about that a little too casually." Inosuke said.

"And does that harm you in any way?" Genya answered.

"Genya, uh- What exactly happened to your friend..?"

"It's really nothing... My friend was kidnapped and I couldn't find him in time... Nothing else..."

"... That's sad." Inosuke muttered out quietly.

"Did you say anything?" The others asked.

The feminine looking boy shook his head violently.

"A death of a friend is not nothing, Genya. Did you ever talk about it with someone? Do you still blame yourself?" Nezuko asked.

"No... I blamed myself until a year ago. I realised that the only one to blame for my friend's death was the person that kidnapped him."

"I'm glad you managed to move on... It must've been such a hard thing to do." Tanjiro said.

"I didn't say that I moved on. I just forgave myself."

"Oh right... Um... Also why were you the one that had to look for your friend?"

"...I don't wanna talk about that."

"Okay... Well-"

"AREN'T WE SUPPOSED TO FIND MUCHACHANO?!" Inosuke shouted. It actually lightened the mood. Well, not really, but the way he screamed made everyone chuckle.


But seriously... How much impact did the loss of his friend have on Genya?

A big impact. In fact, he kind of has PTSD about his friends being kidnapped.


But still though... We never exactly said... What happened in the other world when Genya was kidnapped?

Right after Genya was transported to the other world.

"Where the hell is that boy?!" Sanemi shouted as he grew tired of waiting for his younger brother.

He was supposed to go to Sanemi's office at least two hours before...

"Boss... Your brother still hasn't returned home from school. We suspect that-"

"What..? Are you implying that he was kidnapped?!"

"He may have been..." The butler said. "Boss is so smart!.." He thought.

"Send police to look for him ASAP. I'll go try to find him in nearby buildings..."


"Did they find him?"

"No, boss... But, there's only one person that might've kidnapped Mr. Genya... We also found out that the chauffeur was kidnapped the night before. It wasn't him that kidnapped your brother, it might've been your enemy..."



"There's no doubt. He must've done that to attempt to get me to obey his orders. Tell the guards and police that we're attacking his lab. I'm getting my brother back no matter what it takes."

"Yes sir."


Haha I am not letting you know what happened afterwards, because I don't want to =)


In the meantime, Genya and Kanao have been writing letters through Genya's messenger bird.

Genya knows how to make a normal portal, so he told Kanao about that. Making an interdimensional portal should be something like that, just a little different.

Kanao is doing experiments and research about other dimensions, etc. and shares that information with Genya.

They're working together from a great distance, but they're making progress.

Will the five teens find Muichiro? (Yesn't.)

Will Muichiro get safely rescued? (Yesn't.)

Will anyone in particular get hurt? Or killed? (Yes. We love death here.)

Will Kanao and Genya figure out how to make a portal to other worlds?

Will Genya go back to his world, or not?


Chapterly fun fact:

The reason behind why Genya isn't as 'nice' to Muichiro as before (like, when he first met him) is actually because sometimes, Genya doesn't know what to say to Muichiro in a way it doesn't end the conversation, so he teases him instead, to hear his voice.
  And the other times... Muichiro is just being annoying. To Genya, at least.

Happy late easter to orthodox Christians reading this!

Words: 758


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