Chapter 17

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Muichiro decided to sleep. It's not like there was an exit to that fortress, because when he looked outside a window... It was pitch black. Not a single dot of light could be seen... Well, Niiko did say that the infinity castle is in the middle of nowhere and also everywhere at the same time...


After a few hours, Muichiro woke up and he and Niiko just talked about general stuff, like magic, etc.

Muichiro didn't say a word about him being a prince, though. And he hasn't eaten anything, either.


Two days passed since his kidnapping and the word got through the whole kingdom. Everyone is looking for the missing "princess". Guards, adventurers, normal people, lords...

Though, nobody is blaming the Kamaboko squad for it: They saved Muichiro before, so they definitely wouldn't kidnap him. Not to mention, they were the ones that started looking for him in the first place.

But, of course, the king and the queen are angry with Genya and Nezuko for not noticing Muichiro when the kidnapping happened, as they were in the same room as him.

Yuichiro on the other hand...

He insisted on looking for Muichiro with Inosuke, Zenitsu, Tanjiro, Nezuko and Genya... Which, of course, he didn't succeed at.

Back to Muichiro after 2 days.


"AH! WHAT THE- Niiko... I was sleeping..."

"...Sorry... Um... Muichiro... My lord wants me to do something horrible..!" Niiko whispered loudly.


"He... He ordered me to... Kidnap your other friends and then kill all of you..!" Niiko quietly whispered. His whispering trembked.

"Wait, what?!"

"SSSH! The walls can hear too! I don't want to hurt you... Or your friends... I..." The demon whispered again.

"Aww, Niikooo..! You're so kind!" Muichiro hugged the demon. They hugged back.

"I don't know what to do... And this whole time... I've been eating human body parts... I didn't even know..." Niiko whispered in despair.

"It's okay... You didn't know. But... How do we get out of here?" Muichiro whispered back.

"Well... I can go outside when I get orders to spy or kidnap... Maybe, I can... Go find your friends... And they can... Save you..." Niiko said quietly as he came up with a plan in his mind.

"Hold on, can't you just take me outside?"

"I could, but... If we manage to fool him, then we could get away with it more easily. I think. You see, if we do get out with my powers right here, right now, he'll find out about it sooner and will definitely come after... Not only me alone, but probably you, too. No, he'll kill me before we find your friends and then come after you. We could fool him by bringing your friends here. He'll think I'm doing what I was ordered to do, but then, he'll see the betrayal. Here's my full plan..."

"I'm all ears."


Back with the Kamaboko squad.


"IT'S BEEN TWO DAYS! Two whole damned days..." Genya shouted.

"Genya, calm down a little-" Zenitsu said.

"I can't! What if he actually got killed?! It's all my fault... Why didn't I notice..?" Genya said, pushing his hair out of the way of his eyes.

"There's no way he's dead, Genya. Muichiro is pretty smart... He can figure out ways to stay alive in most situations..." Zenitsu reassured his friend.

How to save the „Princess" (Genmui)Where stories live. Discover now