Chapter 20

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The same evening, after Muichiro finished using the washroom and found out that Genya has to go to school.

"WHAT?! You have to go to school?!"

"Obviously. Can't wait to see my friends there! You know... We can bring you there like a guest or something. I remember my classmate brought his cousin to our school last year and they didn't say anything about it. You're fine as long as you don't make scenes or interfere with the education process, or however they say it."

"Is that really okay, though..?"

"Mhm. We can just say you're, like, a friend from a different country and are staying with us for a while, you get my point. It's not really lying, either, because you're actually from a different 'country'."

"You're right. But what if it takes too long to..."

"Make a portal back to your home?"


"Well... I can take you to my school, for two weeks at max. I think that should be long enough for you to get used to being here, right?"

"I suppose..."

"Hey, don't be so depressing."

"Who're you calling depressing?!"

"Ahaha come on, don't jump on- AH!"

Muichiro jumped on Genya, causing both of them to fall on the bed.

Genya was below Muichiro, his head between the younger male's hands.

They just stayed like that for a few seconds, staring at each other's faces awkwardly. Muichiro's hair was on one side, covering both of their faces from the side where the door was.

The two felt that thought come back to them. The urge to kiss each other...

Muichiro started to lean in. Genya also raised his head a bit, using his hands as support from below.

Once again, their faces were very close... They closed their eyes, slightly tilted their heads...

You know what will happen

"Mr. Genya, your friend's ro- AH! I AM SO SORRY-!" One of the maids opened the door.

"H-HOLD ON-" Genya started to sit up in panic, accidentally hitting his forehead on Muichiro's in the process, but it was too late. The maid had closed the door shut.

"...This give me a déjà vu." Muichiro said while sitting up, as he massaged his forehead.

"...Yeah. This really gives déjà vu..." Genya agreed, while also massaging his forehead.

At that moment, Muichiro was sitting on Genya's lap, so if anyone walked in on them, there'd be a bigger misunderstanding.

"WAIT THE MAID MIGHT THINK WE WERE DOING SOMETHING WEIRD!" Muichiro quickly got off Genya and stood up. Same goes to Genya.


After that.

"Sorry, it looked like you two were making out... Especially because his hair was covering both of your faces... And you two were in such a questionable pose..." The maid said, embarrassed.

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