Chapter 30

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The next morning, Genya woke up first, feeling a bit lightheaded. He stretched his arms and opened his eyes to see a sleeping Muichiro right next to himself. Genya smiled softly and then reached towards his phone, to check the time.


He thinked for a minute, and decided to continue sleeping.

But he couldn't fall asleep.

So, he stayed there for a few minutes, not knowing what to do without waking Muichiro up.

A few minutes later, the older boy slowly and carefully got out of the bed, making sure not to wake up the one that was sleeping.

Genya slightly yawned and stretched his back and arms.

"This is a bit earlier than when I usually wake up..." Genya muttered out and walked out of the room, and into his own, and from there, to his bathroom.

Genya stood in front of the mirror, staring at himself blankly for a few seconds.

"Damn, I look like I lack sleep..." He mumbled, as he leaned closer to the mirror and slightly stretched his cheek downwards, also stretching his eye in that direction.

Genya yawned again.

"...I was kidnapped by ××××× last year, in may... Or around that time... And I was in... Muichiro's timeline for... How long..? It was already the second semester of..." Genya paused.

"... I'm getting so fucking old." He sighed.

"Next year, I'm turning 18. I can't believe so much time has passed already... How long has it even been since me and Muichiro came here..? It was before my birthday, that's for sure... Gosh..." Genya muttered to himself as he slowly took his clothes off and turned on the shower. He doesn't like cold water, but he definitely likes it more than water that literally boils your skin.

Before he went in the shower, Genya checked the date on his phone.
"It's already... March..." He stared at his phone in disbelief.

He then looked up in the mirror again, to see if there was anything wrong with his body.

"... I've really taken up more scars than what I originally had before joining the guild in Mui's timeline..." Genya sighed.

"... They make me look like... That man... That I unfortunately called my father..." Genya stared at his body in disgust.

"Why did I have to look so much like him..? I hate myself so much for that... Even my eyes are the same colour of his eyes... I just want to gouge them out sometimes..." Genya roughly grabbed his own wrist which was slowly, subconsciously making its way to Genya's face, to obviously, hurt itself.

For some minutes, Genya stared in the mirror without any thoughts. He walked into the shower, feeling the warm water touch his skin, giving him that familliar feeling of comfort...

He put some shampoo on his hand, and almost immediately put it in his hair, massaging his scalp as he did so.

He put shampoo twice in his hair. He then put hair conditioner on his hand, and gently applied it on his hair, still massaging his scalp.

Genya took a deep sigh.

"What am I even living for..? I find myself ask that question quite frequently..." Genya Whispered under his breath.

Genya took his bar of soap and rubbed it on his loofa, and put the soap back sown.

"... Aniki says everyone is born with a reason... Mom said exactly that, too... But, why do I feel like I have no reason in particular..? I've only made it this far because of my friends... If it weren't for Tanjiro, Nezuko and Inosuke... Hell, even Zenitsu took a part in it... I'd be dead by now. Oh, and how could I forget Muichiro... He's the biggest reason I didn't die. I'm completely useless... It's my fault in the first place for letting my guard down and assuming leaving Muichiro alone at a public place would end up alright. Damn it..." Genya mumbled out as he rubbed his loofa on his skin, spreading the bubbly soap on his body... The water almost immediately washed it away.

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