Chapter 32

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The next morning, Muichiro woke up first. When he got up, he woke up Genya aswell.

"Genya... Wake up..." Muichiro whispered to Genya, poking him. Genya yawned and stretched his arms a bit, and opened his eyes.

"Good morning..." Genya said and turned around to face Muichiro, smiling.

"Good morning to you too, Genya... Get up, we have to go see my brother..." Muichiro said, concern and worry in his voice.

"Mmh... What time even is it..?"

"Why does that matter, we have to... I... Need to... See him as soon as possible..."

"Well, if he's not awake, you won't be able to see him, that's why I'm asking."

"...Right... Well, it's 7:37am..."

"Alright, then..."

Genya yawned again and got up.

"Oh, you already changed-" Genya asked

"There's simply no time to lose..."

Genya nodded and grabbed his shirt, starting to put it on.

"Hey, Genya..." Muichiro muttered out once Genya finished dressing up.

"Yeah-?" The older male turned to Muichiro's direction.

"... Nevermind."

"Okay. Anyway..."

"Let's go now... I miss my brother like you missed yours."

"Mhm. I'm done changing too."


A few minutes later, they left.


"Hey, Muichiro... Wanna get something to eat before going to your home? I'll pay-" Genya offered, holding Muichiro's hand.

"Sure... But it'll be quick, right..?" Muichiro asked, and looked at Genya.

"Yeah, don't worry. I think I see a café over there- Wanna go there?" Genya pointed towards the café.

"Sure. So... This can practically count as our first date, right?" Muichiro asked, a slight blush on his face.

Genya chuckled. "Maybe. But I promise to take you on a more proper one later."

Muichiro smiled and so did Genya.


At the café, Muichiro and Genya got one ice cream, that they'll be sharing.

"Now say ‘Aah’..." Genya said to Muichiro, putting the spoonful of ice cream to the younger one's mouth.

Muichiro opened his mouth and ate the ice cream.

"You're so cute..." Genya muttered out and paused for a moment.

"I know, hehe~" Muichiro said cheerfully, and picked up the second spoon, taking a spoonful of the ice cream and putting it to Genya's mouth.

Genya ate the ice cream.

"Oh, you have something on your lips." Genya said, even though there was nothing on Muichiro's lips.

"Huh- What is it-?" Muichiro asked putting his finger to his lip, to wipe off whatever was on his lips.

Genya took Muichiro's hand away from his face and then, kissed Muichiro.

"My kiss." Genya said, once he pulled his head away after the kiss.

Muichiro was flabbergasted.

"... You sneaky little..." Muichiro muttrred out and chuckled, blushing.

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