Chapter 19

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The otherworlder teen sighed to relax a bit. Genya then took a few steps backwards, and closed his eyes as he jumped off the cliff.

His heart was pounding, this was very strange. He wasn't going just down, he was going diagonally, towards the hole...

The magnentic field was so strong, it caused Genya to lose his consciousness.

Genya woke up in a hospital.

He groaned in pain. After all, he battled 7 of the strongest demon for hours, probably longer than a day!

He sat up and saw a tiny plastic tube that was inserted in his vein.

Genya then covered a half of his face with his hand that didn't have a small plastic tube inserted in a vein. He rubbed his eyes.

"Ugh... What the hell... Where am..." Genya thought.

A nurse walked in.

"Ah, sir Shinazugawa... You're awake... Please lay back down, you're very hurt..." She said.

"Wha..." Genya blinked three times and rubbed his eyes. Again.

"Scientists are trying to figure out how you came through an... Apparently a portal... With a second person we couldn't exactly identify..." The nurse told Genya.

The patient's eyes went wide.

"IS HE OKAY?!" Genya asked. He somehow stopped himself from jumping from the bed he was sitting in. If he got up, the tube would come out of his vein and things would get bloody. Literally.

"Who- Ah, the person that came through before you..? He was also quite hurt... He's in a different palate, sir."

"How is he..?" Genya asked, worried.

"He's doing well. He woke up just yesterday..."

Genya sighed in relief as he laid back down slowly.

"Hold on, was I in a coma..? If so, for how long?"

"Here, take this medicine. It'll reduce the pain... You were in a coma for five days, not including today. I'll get the doctor to contact your brother to tell him you've woke up, but before that, please take this medicine..." The nurse gave Genya some pills.

Genya didn't hesitate. He took the pills, a glass of water and just swallowed it.

From a neighbouring room could be heard someone screaming "No it tastes bad, I won't take it."

Genya realized, that must be Muichiro.

"That's Muichiro screaming, isn't it?" He asked the nurse.

"So that's his name... Well, yes. He... apparently doesn't like medicine. We had to give him a relaxing drug to calm him down the first time..."

"Yeah, don't. He will resist even more now... Uh, go tell him 'Genya told you to take your medication'. Trust me, it'll work."

"Umm... Sure..."

The nurse gave Genya some more medicine, left and went inside Muichiro's palate.

The screaming... Actually stopped, which made Genya chuckle.


For the rest of the day, Genya kept asking if he could see Muichiro, but his request was denied: He was too hurt. He'll have to wait a few more days... Not to mention, he had just woken up from his coma!

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