Chapter 21

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"Shh~ There's something we're going to do... Don't make any sounds~" Muichiro whispered next to the ear of the older male, and hushed him by putting his index finger on the adventurer's lips.

Genya, who couldn't see what Muichiro was doing at the moment, blushed, because the way Muichiro just whispered sounded... Hot.
He could feel Muichiro's slight, warm breath on his ear.

(((I still get cringed from that 😭)))

Muichiro then grabbed Genya's hand and took him outside the room. Then, he suddenly stopped.

"Wait here for a moment, please- I just remembered, that I forgot something-" Muichiro said from all of a sudden.

"Sure... Can I take the blindfold off, though?"

"Nope. Not until I allow you, to."

Genya sighed in annoyance.

Muichiro went inside his room again, and came back out in 5 minutes.

It felt like eternity for Genya.

Imagine being blindfolded and having to stand still in one place for full 5 minutes. No talking, so moving. Only the sound of the clock ticking is what you can hear. And your own breath.

Muichiro came back out and held Genya's hand again.

He left because he forgot to change his clothes. Well, Genya did give him some of his clothes, so yeah.

The blindfolded boy didn't understand what was going on, so he just walked behind Muichiro while tightly holding his hand.

"His hand is so soft..." Genya thought while Muichiro was holding his hand. He blished and slightly bit his lip.

"His hands could use some caring, to be honest. But still, it's so warm.... I wonder if he'll be fine with it if I hold his hand sometimes..? Hold on why am I thinking that? No, what was I thinking about, again? Nevermind... It's his birthday, I'm supposed to be taking him to the dark room and make him wait there until his friends come... And uh- Once they arrive... I'll finally take him to the living room, where we prepared his surprise party. I really hope he likes it..." Muichiro thought to himself.

The two stopped walking when they entered a dark room.

Now, you know how Genya is blindfolded? Well, he still felt the light shift to dark.

"Hey, Muichiro, why are we in a room without light on?" Genya finally asked.

"You actually can sense it?"

"Well, yeah-"

"That's awesome. Anyways... Sit down here..." Muichiro lead Genya to a chair.

"Can I take the blindfold off now?"


"This is getting very annoying."

"Yes. I know. Anyways we just have to wait for them to arrive and then we'll start."


"In the meantime... Just stay here."

"And what if I take it off?"

"I won't ever talk to you again."

"That's too much, Muichiro... Make it a day, at least?!"

"No. I put all my energy in this, so, just no."

"Put your energy in what?"

"Not telling."

"Okay, fine. How long will They take to arrive?"

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