Chapter 7

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  What exactly happened to Muichiro for acting out? You'll find out in this chapter.


It's now 8am. Genya went to bed at 3am while Muichiro went to sleep at 5.


Muichiro's room's door is locked. He isn't allowed to leave until he apologizes and says he's wrong for acting out.

His room has a big window, covered by curtains.

The grounded 14 year old put on his trousers and shirt which he wore for a few minutes yesterday.

He took some clothes from the wardrobe and used all his knowledge to make a rope. He hung it over the window...

You guessed it.

He is sneaking out.

Muichiro made a rope and successfully went outside. Without his luxurious dresses, he looks like a normal boy. well, he has his hair up, too.

He went in the town, covering his face with a mask.

Genya was just outside, taking a walk while listening to music with his earphone that was also in his uniform's pocket.

Muichiro quietly approached the walking teen.


"AH- Wait, who- Muichiro??"

"Hi Genya!"

"Hello... What brings you here... And why are you wearing a mask? Wait wait, did you seriously become emo? Lmao L."

"I snuck out because I got grounded. And what does... Lmao L mean..?"

"Not important. Anyways... How did you- You know what? Come with me."

Genya held Muichiro's hand and basically dragged him to his dorm apartment.

"Oh, do you live here?"

"Yeah. I don't know any other places to talk to you at. First of all, how did you get yourself grounded?"

"I rebelled."

"Wha- What do you mean you rebelled- what?"

"Well, I accidentally shouted at my grandparents."

"Oh. Um... That's not rebelling... That's straight up disrespect." Genya let out a sigh of disappointment. "Second of all..." Genya said. "Never mind."

"Sorry that I made you wait yesterday."

"It already explained itself when you told me you got grounded. By the way, you can take off your mask. I'll make us some tea. And we can act like the brits, haha... Innit."

Genya made some ✨ tea ✨

"I forgot to ask, how much sugar would you like?"

"A spoon and a half."

"Alright. Here you go. You're going to have to take off your mask to drink it, though..."

Genya went back inside the kitchen to get his tea.
He came back. Muichiro had taked the mask off...

Genya almost dropped the cup.

"H-Hey, what happened to you?!"

"Oh, nothing..."

"That is not nothing... How did you get hurt?!"

"I'm telling you, it's really not a thing to worry about."

"Oh, so you're telling me that having a huge scar on your face is okay?"

"Well, you have it, too! A scar on your face... But you never mention it."

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