Chapter 12

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"First of all... What were you doing when the attempted murder happened?"

"I was in my cabin, talking with my friends..."

"Alright." Said the young (self-claimed) detective.
"I honestly don't know any more questions, so..." Genya thought.

"I'm going to inspect your clothes and your cabin. If I find a knife, then you're it." He added.

The boy looked weirded out.

"D-DON'T GET THE WRONG IDEA! It's for the case, okay?"


Genya inspected the clothes. Nothing.

"Okay, your clothes are safe... Take your shoes off."

"What the-"

"Stop jumping in conclusions, please."

Nothing in shoes either.

"You're safe for this moment. Go back with the other suspects. Cabin inspection will be after questioning"


Genya asked the same question to everyone else. The answers:

"I was in the washroom."

"I was eating in my room."

"I was asleep."


"...I don't want to say."

"Why, are you the murderer?"

"No. It's embarrassing."

"Just say it. Unless you want to be arrested."

"Okay fine! I was making out with my girlfriend..!"

"Oh. Sheesh." Genya chuckled quietly.

Suspect number 5 was burning red.


"Sorry for the suspecting your boyfriend, ma'am."

"It's alright, really. I understand why you did."


Who do you think the culprit is?


Genya took notes of the answers.

Since number 5 was safe, there was no need to inspect his cabin.


Inspection starts now!


"Now, you may be wondering why I didn't call the police or anything... I don't know where the police is." Genya whispered to Muichiro.

"You're so weird..." Muichiro mumbled.

"Oh shut it. We have to discuss while inspecting, you know?"

"Yeah, no. I'm a prince, not a detective."

"Whatever. Anyways, tell me when and if you find something."

"Okay, sir all-knowing self-claimed detective monkeyraffe from a different world."

"Great! Get ready, goldfish memory with no attention span."


Anyways, long story short, they found a knife in one of the cabins, covered in blood. Now, the thing is, two of the suspects were in the same cabin.

It was the one that said he was eating in his room and the one that was sleeping...


"Now, I'm pretty sure I know who is the culprit."

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