Chapter 23

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⚠️ Trigger warning ⚠️

If you're easily triggered by racist comments, be aware that this chapter will have one single racist sentence.

That's all.


The next day, Genya woke up before Muichiro.

He just laid next to him the previous night, but now he was cuddling him like a kid does with a teddy bear. His face became red as a red apple as soon as he realized, that the one he was cuddling was Muichiro.

He carefully got off the younger male, trying his best not to wake him up.

He succeeded. Genya then went to the washroom to take a shower.

The pillows had been taken back to the closest by the maids.

Muichiro woke up soon after and sat up.

He realized that was Genya's bed and became extremely red. He then quickly checked what he was wearing...

... The clothes he was wearing during the day.

"Oh thank goodness he didn't change my clothes... It would be so awkward..." Muichiro closed his eyes and sighed.

Just then, Genya walked out of the washroom. Half naked. His bottom half was (fortunately) covered with a pillow.

Muichiro's attention was caught by the door of the bathroom opening and he looked over there to see Genya, as described before.

They made eye contact for three seconds. They both froze.

Both of the boys' faces turned as red as tomatoes. Genya quickly went back inside the bathroom and Muichiro covered his face in the blanket. They both avoided screaming from shock because they didn't want to get anyone's attention.

"OHMYFUCKINGWODWHATTHEHECKIDIDN'TEXPECTHE'DBEAWAKEOHMYGOSHHESAWMEHALFNAKEDWHATDOIDOTHISSOEMBARRASSINGAAAAAH!" Genya was mumbling to himself. Hr was leaning against the bathroom door and was covering his face with his one hand.

His face was completely red, along his ears.

"I DIDN'T KNOW HE WAS IN THE BATHROOM OTHERWISE I WOULDN'T LOOK AAAAH! WHAT DO I DO?! THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING! NO! WHAT THE HELL IT'S STUCK IN MY HEAD NOW! AAAAAAAAH!" Muichiro was also mumbling to himself. He was under the blanket. His face was red as a strawberry.

After a few minutes, Genya told Muichiro he was coming back out, to avoid more embarrassment.

Muichiro kept himself under the blanket. Genya wouldn't know, but Muichiro's face was still very red.

The image of Genya being half naked wouldn't leave Muichiro's mind. He wanted to scream but he couldn't... And the fact, that the bed smelled like Genya for some reason, wasn't helping at all.

"I'm- Uh-... I'm... Do- Um... Done c-changing..." Genya said, stuttering.

"Mhm. Okay..." Muichiro just said without thinking.

"...You can get out of the blanket, you know?"

"Yup. I know."

"Then why are you still hiding?"

"...No reason."

Genya sighed.

"I seriously wasn't expecting you'd be awake, otherwise I'd have taken my clothes inside the bathroom..." Genya sat down on the bed's edge.

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