Chapter 36

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Akaza and Douma were standing in one place, arguing as per usual.

Genya was hiding close by. Just when he was about to signal on attacking the demons, Muichiro threw a rock at them.

"What the- What is he doing!?" Genya thought to himself, as he watched the demons turn towards the two princes standing afar.

Genya groaned in annoyance before turning to the people behind himself.
"It seems that there's a change in our plan, so Tanjiro, you lead team B to follow the pinkhead demon." He then said.


Muichiro and Yuichiro managed to separate the demons, and Genya and Tanjiro's teams captured them, and they tied the demons up with enchanted rope.

"Muichiro, didn't I tell you we wouldn't be doing your plan!? Why didn't you just-" Genya then ran towards the twin that was Muichiro. The difference between the twins was, that Muichiro had a lily flower hairclip tying his hair.

Muichiro crossed his arms. "I didn't die, so stop trying to make me stop," the young prince then said, looking away.

For some reason, he half expected Genya would slap him, even though Genya never raised his hand on him before.

Instead, he was caught off-guard when Genya hugged him.

"Wha-" Muichiro tried to say something like ‘What are you doing..?’ but stopped.

"I'm sorry, Mui..." Genya whispered in the Prince's ear. "I regret shouting at you earlier..." He then added.

Muichiro sighed. "Don't apologise... You were trying to look out for me. I'm sorry too... I wasn't considerate of your feelings..."

The two smiled.

"Two demons down, now we have two more left... They're not going to be as easy as these two, though..." Genya soon said, looking up.

"Genya... I have to tell you something..." Muichiro muttered out, looking at the ground.

"Yeah? What is it?" Genya cupped half of Muichiro's face.

"I hope this won't change your perspective on me, but... You know Uppermoon one... That I also fought..?" Muichiro started to talk.

"Yes, I know. I didn't forget how you beheaded him back then..." Genya chuckled, and kissed Muichiro's forehead. "Let me guess, are you scared of how strong he might actually be?"

"I'm not scared of anything. The thing is... Me and Yuichiro... Are descendants of him..." Muichiro muttered out, as if he was ashamed. He expected Genya would hate him, for some reason.

"And? Being related to a bad person doesn't make you bad. Take me for example. My father was an ass. Am I bad? I mean, I could be wrong, but still." Genya said and shrugged.

Muichiro's eyes lit up and he smiled. "No, not at all... You're not bad at all. The opposite, in fact... And thanks for not hating me..." The prince then muttered out.

"Idiot, I'd never hate you. Now, Muzan and Kokushubo should be somewhere, right? Let's go get you and Yuichiro to safety. Please don't risk your life like that again..."

"...No. Let me help."



"Alright. Just... Don't put your safety on the last level."


"Now now, let's see what we got here... A time machine, and blueprints... Seems like that's the only way back home Genya has," Muzan muttered out, grinning.

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