Chapter 34

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Genya was sitting on a bench in the park, just writing in his online diary.

"Genya! Have you been sitting here all this time?" Muichiro asked, as he approached his lover.

Genya looked up, confused. "You said you'd come here at 1 pm-" He then said, blinking twice in confusion.

"Yeah, we didn't know what to do..." Muichiro chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.

"Alright. So, what do you wanna do now? I still have the keys to the dorm room I had before we fought with Muzan and his minions-" Genya said, and stood up from the bench.

"Wait, but since they thought you died, maybe they gave the dorm to someone else-" Yuichiro said, not wanting to get into an embarrassing situation.

"Nah, the doors are magic. Only one person can have it, and only one key exists. It can only be given away if the person leaves the guild or dies... Or decides to entrust the keys to someone else." Genya said, and took the key out of his pocket.

"That's... Not really... Safe... What if you lose the key?" Yuichiro asked again.

"Well, as I said, the door is magic. So is the key. It returns to its owner. If I just... Do this-" Genya said and threw the keys somewhere, where it definitely can't be found.

"Now look at this... Neat, right?" Genya put his hand in his pocket and he had the keys.

"... That's nice." Yuichiro said, impressed.

"I agree with Yuichiro-" Muichiro nodded. "But even if we go there, what would we do there?" He then added.

"Play with Misty, I guess-" Genya said, and chuckled.

Muichiro gasped. "Wait, I completely forgot to take Misty here... Did you?"

"Nah, she followed us- She's at Tanjiro's, let's go get her." Genya said, and held Muichiro's hand.

"Who is Misty?" Yuichiro asked, completely lost.

"My cat" "Mui's cat."

Muichiro and Genya said at the same time.

They then chuckled.

"... You guys need to stop talking telepathically." Yuichiro said and frowned.

"Anyway, let's go-" Muichiro said.


They got Misty, and then they went to Genya's dorm.

"So this is a cat..?" Yuichiro said, holding Misty in his hands. "It's super... Fluffy... It feels weird..." Yuichiro muttered out. He had never seen a cat before, afterall.

"Mhm! Genya got her for me..." Muichiro said and grinned. Muichiro had a jar full of worms for Ginkgo, which he opened to feed the baby bird.

"So how are you gonna keep her warm?" Yuichiro then asked about Ginkgo.

"... I haven't thought about tha-"
"Put her in this box." Genya cut Muichiro off.

The twins turned their attention to the oldest one in the room, who was holding a small cardboard box.

"Why? She'll get cold..." Muichiro said, tilting his head.

"She won't, Mui. Look inside." Genya reassured.

"Oh, you put cotton in it... But how's that gonna help..?" Muichiro, still in disbelief, asked.

"Well, since it's still a bit cold out, I'll be turning on the heater, we'll put the box next to it and Gingko will be warm." Genya explained.

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