Chapter 18

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The demon collapsed and behind him were the only two we could imagine...

Niiko and Muichiro!


"Guys..!" Muichiro dropped the pan in shock. He was expecting to see his friends, but still, he was very happy to see them.

"Muichiro..!" Genya and the others said at the same time.

Muichiro dropped the pan, jumped over the demon on the ground and right into Genya's arms.

"Genyaaaa!" Muichiro shouted as he jumped in Genya's arms. "I...-" Muichiro couldn't finish his sentence.

Genya tightened his grip.

"You dumbass... Do you have ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS?!" Genya shouted as he tightened the grip even more. But he didn't do it so hard that Muichiro would have trouble breathing or get squeezed.

"I know you were worried, Genya... But I'm okay, see..?"

Genya's eyes were full of tears. He blinked them away.

Genya didn't want to let go of Muichiro. Same applies to Muichiro.

"Did you even eat anything..?"

"Ah- About that..."

"When we get back, I'm going to feed you so much that you won't be able to move."

"That's a bit extreme- P-Please don't-"

"Okay that's enough hugging. We get it, you're in love." Niiko said, jealous. He was being serious about stealing Muichiro from Genya and making him their best friend.

"We're not." Genya said. That was not true and it hurt Muichiro's feelings.

The two stopped hugging.

"Sure you're not. Muichiro, my very dear best friend, do you remember what I told you about the plan?" Niiko said, grabbing Muichiro's hand and pulling him closer to herself while grinning.

"Oh... Right." Muichiro said.

"Excuse me? Muichiro is my best friend, not yours." Genya said. He did the same thing as Niiko.

"Too bad. We made a pinky promise." Niiko said, making an accent on 'Pinky Promise'. He was bragging.

"Ha. That's lame, I've gone on da- I mean adventures with him. I've also saved him from a pedophile. Oh, did I forget to mention tha-" Genya said, trying to annoy Niiko.

"If it wasn't for me, you'd never find Muichiro. How does that feel like?"

"I really don't care about your opinion."

"Okay both of you stop arguing, you're both my best friends, okay?" Muichiro said. It lightened the tension between the adventurer and the demon.

The others didn't even say anything. The tension between Genya and Niiko was so tense, that they knew that if they said anything, they'd get shouted at.

"And what the hell do we do with this weirdo?" Inosuke asked as he pointed to Douma.


After a few minutes of complete chaos, the almighty seven managed to get the situation under control.

Niiko and Genya were next to Muichiro, literally pulling him towards theirselves. Muichiro was just moving left and right... Like a seaweed.

They all quietly walked around the halls, trying to find a safe place from Muzan.

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