Chapter 15

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A few minutes passed after Genya passed out.

Muichiro didn't leave his side. Instead, he was trying his best to wake him up. The prince shook the older teen, slapped him, shook him again... Slapped him again... He shouted his name...

There was... No response. Not even a small movement.

Muichiro kept checking Genya's pulse.

What if he had died..?!


"Nhh..." Genya opened his eyes.
Muichiro was hugging him, slightly sobbing. They were sitting on the ground with their knees.

"GENYA! YOU'RE AWAKE..!" Muichiro pulled away from the older male. He left his hands on the shoulders' of Genya.

The prince's eyes were full of tears.

"What... Happened..?"

"You collapsed... I was so worried!.."

"...You were... Worried... About me..?"

"Don't you dare make fun of me right now." Muichiro said with his voice trembling.

"I'm not going to. Sheesh..."

"Does your head hurt? Does your face sting? We should go back to get you the antidote... I hope the others found it..."

"... I like, don't want to move right now." Genya said, pulling Muichiro in a hug.

"We have to. The sun in setting and we're running out of time." Muichiro patted Genya on the back.

"Noo... Five more minutes... Please." Genya said, frowning. He put his head on the other boy's shoulder.

"If you want to die, then sure."



Genya pulled away again. He put his hand on Muichiro's cheek and wiped the tears off the prince.

"Why are you even crying? I'm fine, see?"

"I got so scared when you collapsed-"

Genya chuckled.

"You're so adorable~"

Genya booped Muichiro's nose, causing him to get flustered.

"N-no I'm not."

"Sure you are." Genya patted Muichiro on the head while smiling.

"...Why are you so affectionate out of nowhere..?"

"Do you not like it?"

"I- I DO! It's just... I'm... Not used to you acting like this."


"What now?"

Genya leaned in towards Muichiro's face.

"Um... Genya... You're a little- um..." Muichiro said, stuttering.

"Too close..." The younger male whispered.

Genya kissed Muichiro on the cheek, which caused the prince to get even more flustered.


"Your hair smells like mist."

"I-" Muichiro didn't even answer. He was panicking more about why Genya would kiss him on the cheek. He was as pink as a raspberry.

For some reason, Genya's acting exactly like how he would if he got drunk.

He's not drunk, though.

Y'know how getting drunk makes your brain do whatever it thinks of? Basically that.

How to save the „Princess" (Genmui)Where stories live. Discover now