Chapter 6

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A few hours later, it was nighttime. Everyone went to bed except one person... Genya.

He got an urge to stay up late and do research about how to go back to his homeland. Homeland is just... Different. No matter how much you enjoy a different place, you'll still miss it.

"Maybe this book... It's called „Teleportation magic and portals“... So it could have answers." Genya thiught as he grabbed a book that weights at least 5kg. It was in his dorm bookshelf.

He put it on his desk. The book is dusty... And old. Very old.

Genya opened it... And he checked the archive of the book.

"Teleportation through worlds... Page 299" Genya read out whispering. He opened the book...




"Muichiro! Wake up you dummy!" Said someone... They sound like Muichiro, just with a little deeper voice. He has long black hair with mint tips, just like Muichiro, the eyes, too. Just smaller...

"Yuichiro... What do you want?"

"You got us all so worried..!" The older twin brother hugged his half-asleep, younger twin.

"Good morning, I guess... What time even is it?"

"Hmm... It's... 8am."


"Yeah. I'll go now, we'll be waiting for you in the dining room. See ya, bro!"

Muichiro always feeels comfortable around his twin. He is the only one that understands that Muichiro is stressed out because of the way their grandparents treat him. And he has known Muichiro as his brother, ever since they were born.

He is a great older brother.


Muichiro was checking through his clothes and... He found a piece of clothing he had never seen before. It wasn't a dress. It was normal trousers, a shirt and a jacket... Did Yuichiro accidentally leave it there? If so, why the heck would he be in Muichiro's closet in the first place?!

The truth is, it's almost winter and dresses are quite uncomfortable then. Yuichiro managed to convince Akira and Phillip to get trousers and a shirt for his younger twin.

There was a letter attached to the shirt:

„Dear Muichiro, if you're reading this, that means you found the little gift I got for you. Since you got kidnapped on our birthday, you didn't really get a present for that day, but since you're back now, I asked grandma to let me buy a gift for you. While you were talking to grandmother, I was out choosing this for you. I managed to convince the two of them to let me buy trousers for you... I hope you like it!

P.S. This ones are for this season. I also you got some for winter.

-Signed, Yuichiro."

"Huh... So it's for me..?" Muichiro said while smiling.

After all, he hasn't worn anything comfortable since his grandparents arrived.

He quickly put on those clothes. It was extremely comfortable. Now Muichiro can run around and sit as much and like he wants.

Now he is just staring on the window.

He looks so different... Would short hair suit him?

Muichiro thought for a minute or so, then he left the closet and went inside the dining room.

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